Dear Heart, I met a good luck: o1

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Evermore05 says: im so glad ur on

YourBetrayel666 says: whys that?

Evermore05 says: the weirdest thing happened today...and I gotta talk to someone about it

YourBetrayel666 says: that's what im here for

Evermore05 says: and I thank our dear Father in heaven for that

YourBetrayel666 says: so tell me all about it

**Three hours ago**

"Hey Ever, my dad wants to know if you wanted to come over for supper tonight. He's cooking your favorite..." Mason said over the reciever.

"Spaghetti?!" I asked excitedly.

I heard him chuckle. "Ok, your second favorite."

"...Popsicles?" I asked. I didn't really have a second favorite...

"As awesome as that would be, no. But we're having that soup you like so much. Dad went shopping. Just for you. So, you should actually come so he doesn't feel sad."

I narrowed my eyes at my blank computer screen, waiting for *him* to come on. I didn't really have anything to tell him at the moment, but it's like I've become addicted to talking to him.

"You just said all that to guilt me into coming, didn't you?" I guessed.


"Well it worked, so I'm coming." I grinned, running a hand through my hair. My mom always says it messes it up when I do that, but dad likes it. And I like it too...strangely.

"Great! Dinner's in a half hour, so hurry up."

"Fine. Bye."

"See ya." he said, then hung up. I set my cell phone down on my desk and moved the mouse around on the computer for several minutes before finally deciding that he wasn't going to come on just because I wanted him to. I'd have to wait till later. Ugh.

I went and took a shower quick to calm down my muscles. I wasn't sure why, but I felt pretty tense today. But the hot water felt nice. When I was done, I left my hair out to air dry and went to pick out my clothes, towel wrapped around my torso. I made sure my curtains were shut so there were no "peeping toms" either...though the only one who could really see me through my window was Mason. Or his dad, I guess.

Yeah, I wasn't even sure why Mason wasted money calling me when he could just talk to me out his window. It was so much easier.

I pulled out a blue white and silver plaid top and a white tank top to go under it. Then I put on a pair of blue jean cut off shorts, and I pushed the sleeves of my shirt up to my elbows. When I was done, I went back into my bathroom and flipped my hair around. It was still damp, but now it looked tussled after my flipping of it, and it hung just past my shoulders. I liked the color of my hair. It looked darkish brown right now, but when it's dry it's a darker auburn, and underneath I have it dyed a darker just looked really cool. I made sure my bangs were swept to the right like they usually are, and then I brushed

my teeth even though I was going to be eating.

When I was done, I applied a thin line of eyeliner and mascara like always, and then I went and put on my favorite pair of shoes, even though they didn't match at all. Bright orange converse high tops. I absolutely loved them.

"Dad, I'm going to have dinner at Mason's. See you in a little bit." I called to him. He was somewhere upstairs, most likely in his office.

"Have fun." I heard him call back down. "How about when you're done, you and Mason come back here and we can go get ice cream. I could go for some Coldstone."

Dear Heart, I met a good luck. Oh, and here's a twist: He's my best friend's older brother.Where stories live. Discover now