You are my Escape Ch. 1

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You are my escape

(Byakuya Love Story)

Running. All I heard was running. My own... and His. If only I can get away. If he could just leave me alone! "Please! Somebody! Hel-!" He caught me. Grabbing me around the neck and slamming me into a wall. "S-stop!" He smirked. His teeth and eyes shining in the moonlight. His eyes... they were the same shade of freshly spilled blood. He squeezed my throat tighter. I couldn't breathe! "Raye... you tried leaving again.... you'll be throughly punished this time..." Tears ran down my face. He, my master as he says, was named Haru Lee. Haru was a soul reaper. And I? I am a nobody that is locked up in his house day and night. But your probably asking yourself, if I'm locked up all the time, how did I escape? Well my friend let me go. I never have seen his face or his hair, but he talks to me. I call him Tai. It was the name of my little brother before Haru killed him. Haru keeps me locked up because he says I'm so weak he wants noone to suffer by seeing me. But Tai says it's because I have a strong power within me... but I don't believe him. I just wish Haru doesn't hit me too hard.... Haru lifted his hand and I shut my eyes, waiting for the blow that was to come. Insted I felt not a slap but his zanpakuto. He had stabbed me through the side. I screamed in slight pain. (I've been through worse) "Heh. That's right. Scream Raye." He twisted the sword, causing me to wince. In a quick motion he was thrown away from me. I fell to my knees, clutching the blade. I heard a thump and guessed it was Haru hitting the ground. I felt a hand on mine. I looked up to see a busty orange-haired waman. Togther we slowly pulled out the sword. I covered the gash with my hands while the woman helped me stand up. "Are you alright?" I nodded and turned to walk away. "Hey! You just can't go walking off like that!" I turned back to her. "Huh?" The woman sighed, shaking her head. "Your gonna die from walking around if you don't get help."  I smiled slightly. "To tell the truth this is not the worst I've ever been through." Her eyes went huge. "Oh my god! He raped you!?" I almost fell over where I stood. "No! Ew! Gross!" The woman held her heart. (Or where it seemed like it) "Geez... The way you just said it sounded like he did..." "Well I can tell you right now that I am 100% virgin.... Wait! Why the hell am I telling you this!" I quickly turned around and began walking off. But the big chested woman grabbed my arm. "Your gonna fall over and die if I don't fix that wound." I huffed out a breath. "Fine. Fix me." She smiled and dragged me to a building. She said it was where she worked. Since it was about midnight, I didn't expect to see anyone, and I didn't. The woman, who said her name was Rangiku Matsumoto, led me into a room with a couch, a desk, shevles of books and a window. Sitting at the desk was a white-haired man.... er boy. When he saw Rangiku pulling a wounded girl (me), he hurried over. He was short! "Matsumoto, what happened?" "Well I followed Haru, like you said, and he was up to something. He had this girl locked up and, I don't know how, but somehow she escaped." He looked at me. "What's your name?" "Raye." "Last name?" I thought for a moment. "Don't remember." "I... see. I'm Toshiro Hitsugaya. The ca-" "Captain of the 10th Division. Yea I got it... Aren't you a bit short to be a captain?" His eyes flashed deadly. (Note: Captain Shorty has height issues) Rangiku muffled a chuckle. "I am perfectly of normal height to be a captain." "Sure... Can I get fixed up now so I can leave?" They both sweatdropped. Rangiku motioned me over to the couch and pushed Toshiro out of the room. "Your too young to see a half-naked woman." He growled when she shut the door. "You know... with umm... your... curves barely in your shirt, your just about half-naked." She laughed. "True. Now take off your shirt while I get Captain Unohana in here to sitch you up." I nodded and slipped off my shirt (leaving on my bra of course) while she told Toshiro to go get Unohana. I sighed looking at my shirt. "Damn. This was my only baggy shirt too." Rangiku sat beside me. "I'll buy you a new one, don't worry." I nodded, not knowing what to say about some stranger buying me clothes after shes the one who protected me. Ten minutes later there was a knock on the door. Rangiku opened in and it was Captain Unohana. Stepping in she took a quick look at my wound. "Nothing serious Raye." I looked at Rangiku. "I knew it." Rangiku waved me off. "Who cares, your here now." I huffed and crossed my arms (total spoiled princess style) as Unohana sitched me up. When she was done she smiled and said "Alright don't move around much for a few weeks. I'll be back to check on you." I nodded and stood up, ready to leave. I glanced at Rangiku. "Is Haru dead or locked up?" Toshiro came into the room, "Yeah, hes locked up, it's safe to go get your stuff and live with Matsumoto." I was surprised. "I can't live in Haru's place? I am 20." "I said he was locked up. I didn't say he'd be locked up forever." I glared at him. "Fine. But if i'm living with her I want to become a soul reaper." Toshiro nodded. "I'll see if I can get you into the academy. Then my division." I nodded and left through the door. "Rangiku, please come get me in an hour."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2012 ⏰

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