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"It's a beautiful day and I can't stop myself from smiling!" I sung along to Michael Bublee with my best friend Poppy, who had been kind enough to drop me off at the airport. My mum would've, but she had to be at work early. Today was the day that I was flying to L.A for Playlist live, and I had never been as excited in my entire life. It felt like a childhood Christmas all over again. I couldn't actually believe that I was considered "A famous Youtuber" it's crazy! Poppy turned down the music as the song ended so that she could talk to me without damaging any vocal cords, by yelling over the ridiculously loud sound. "Now Gracie" She began, "I know that your Youtube career is taking off and everything, but I don't want you going all diva on me!" She exclaimed in her deep Irish accent. I giggled and lightly punched her arm, very lightly, as she was driving. I could drive, I just didn't have a car. "Oh you just wait until I get verified on twitter." I joked and she rolled her eyes. "I'm only joking, you know I would never go diva on you Pop's!" I said, using her nickname. "I know." She said. We were silent for a minute or so, before she looked as though a firework had just exploded in her mind. "OH MY GOD!" She yelled, making me jump, and panicking me a little. "What, what's the matter?" I asked worriedly. She didn't really look worried though. "I just remembered, today, you may actually get a chance to meet Joe!" She exclaimed. I laughed. Poppy had a tiny crush on Joe Sugg, also known as ThatcherJoe. It wasn't like a creepy obsessive crush, she just thought he was hot. She had a boyfriend anyway, and had done for 2 years. "Don't worry Poppy, you'll be the first to hear about my Sugg encounters, and if you play your cards right, I may even film him saying 'hi' to you!" I told her. Her jaw dropped, I could tell she was just pretending, and that she wasn't really that infatuated with the boy. "You see, this is why I love you." She said, batting her eyelashes at me and making me giggle.

"We're here!" Poppy exclaimed, pulling into a parking space. I undid my seatbelt and smiled at her. She smiled back. "Well thanks for the lift Pop's." I said hugging her. "See you after Playlist!" I said excitedly. "Alright, well don't you have to much fun without me Gracie Deyes!" She warned, pointing her index finger at me warningly. "I'll try." Told her, knowing that she was joking. We both got out of the car and hugged once more, then I left, dragging my tightly packed suitcase behind me. I always got a bit scared when travelling on my own. I did it quite a lot, with my Dad living in Brighton, and me being in Ireland. It still scared me though.

After doing all the boring airport stuff, like checking my bag in, and going through the safety checks and so on, I finally heard the boarding call for the plane to L.A. And with that, I picked up my carry on, and made my way to the line. After waiting for around 10 minutes, I was on the plane. I had a window seat, which was great. And as I was on my own, I felt no need to be social, so I plugged my headphones into my phone, and let the music fill my ears. I was in for a long flight. I watched out of the window, and we slowly picked up speed, before lifting off into the air. I continued to stare out of the window, read a little, watched Frozen, on the TV on the back of the seat in front, and then felt myself growing tired, so I turned off the light above my head, and closed my eyes, and before I knew it, I drifted off into a dreamless sleep.

I woke with a shudder. At first I wondered what on earth was going on. But I looked down and saw that the wheels of the plane had collided with the runway, and we were now grounded. The good thing about sleeping on a flight, is that it goes faster. I quickly pulled out my portable mirror, fixed my long pink hair into a messy bun, and applied a little concealer. And I was good to go. Alfie and Zoe were picking me up, as they arrived in the early hours of the morning, and told me that they would come and collect me from the airport. I was really excited about seeing them. I hadn't seen them for a good 4 months, not in person anyway, I did watch their videos. I missed my cousin. As my isle stood up to exit the plane, I followed, checking first that I had all my belongings. I then made my way to the bag collection, and mine was of course the last to come out, just my luck. When I was sure I had everything I came with, I walked through the automatic glass door, to see Zoe and Alfie stood waiting for me. I ran up to them as fast as I could whilst pulling a suitcase behind me, and flung myself towards Alfie. He nearly tumbled over as I threw myself at him. "Hey cuz, I missed you!" He told me. I pulled away and hugged Zoe. "I missed you two too." I said, taking a step back from them to examine them. They hadn't changed at all. "I love your hair!" Zoe exclaimed, and I remembered that we hadn't met in person since I had had it done. I thanked her, and we began to walk over to the car that Zoe had hired to drive us around L.A. We jumped in, and I sat in the back, and Zoe and Alfie sat in the front. "So, everyone's meeting up in Jim and Tanya's room tonight, just so everyone can meet, and see each other, you're very welcome to come if you want!" Zoe explained, I nodded but then realised that she was in front of me and couldn't see me. "Yeah, I would love to!" I told her with a smile. She started the car and pulled out of the parking space. "Plus, I know that most of the people there are subscribed to you, and you watch them, so it's virtually like you've already met." Alfie said. I find it hard to believe that such popular youtubers watched my videos. Crazy!

We pulled up outside of a huge hotel. I looked at it in awe, before we jumped out of the car, and Alfie offered to carry my luggage. Nobody was around, probably as it was getting quite late. We walked into the air conditioned lobby of the hotel that would be my home for the next few days. And the three of us walked up to the reception desk to find out what room I was staying in, turns out it was just down the hall from Zoe and Alfie's. I told them I was going to go and freshen up, before we went to Jim and Tanya's room, and that they should come to my room after 15 minutes. In those 15 minutes. I had a really quick shower without washing my hair. Changed into a black high waisted skater skirt, and a floral crop top. Put my hair up into a pony-tail, and just had time to re-do my makeup, when I heard a knock at my door. I opened to see Zoe and Alfie who had also gotten changed. "Ready?" Alfie asked. "Ready." I replied.

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