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Okay. Okay this may be dumb wait what am I talking about everything I say is dumb.

This pisses me right off:
When someone knows your talking they even told you to talk but then they talk over you. Like what the hell of your gonna do that just tell me to shut up.

Another thing is when your parents decided oh I'm pissed anyone that comes near me I'm gonna get pissed and scream at.

Also when you get told to do something so you go to do it but the person that told you to do it gets in the way and gets pissed and tells you to get out of their way.

This really triggers me. When I get called short I'm like 5'2 I think and that's not even short just because your taller than me doesn't mean you can call me a child and tell me I'm short.

I bet you guys are just reading so you know how to trigger me.

You know when your listening to music with someone and they take the ear bud out of your ear and than just stare and laugh at you and than you get pissed off becuase it was a good song yeah me everyday.   


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