Part 2

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I wake up still outside. Georgie is asleep beside me. i get up and strech then walk into the house.

"morning Mrs Cooper do you need help making breakfast" i say. might as well suck up in case she gets suspicious of why Georgie and i were asleep in the backyard.

"Good morning Macy. no i don't need help cookie but thank you for offering, i was wondering however why were you and Georgie asleep on the lawn" Mrs Cooper asks

"oh uhh. neither of us could sleep so we went outside to look at the stars then Georgie kissed me and we fell asleep on the lawn" i say the realized what i added in there

"what was that last part" Mrs cooper says

"uuhhh" i stutter

"morning mom" a tired Georgie says from the entrance of the kitchen.

"morning sweetie" Mrs Cooper says. thank god georgie walked in when he did.

"so macy are you coming to church with us" Mrs Cooper asks me. again another great way to suck up. but me and Georgie did spray paint the church last night. i give georgie my oh shit we are gonna get caught look.

"actually mom, Macy and i are gonna study today so neither of us can come to church today. its sad I know but as you say school comes before activitys" Georgie says

"i do say that. i guess i will let it slide this time" mrs cooper says. then the twins, Sheldon and Missy come into the kitchen.

"morning kids" mrs cooper says.

"morning mom" the twins say in unison. its kind of freaky to be honest. sheldon and missy sit down at the table. then Mr. Cooper Joins us aswell

"so who else is coming to church today. Macy and Georgie are studing so they can't but what about the rest of you" Mrs cooper says

"why would they be studying school doesn't start till next week" Sheldon Says.

"because sheldon, in highschool you get homework over the summer" i say

"what are you talking about the school doesn't give you homework over summer" Mr Cooper says.

"we asked for it" i say quickly

"that doesn't sound like you or Georgie" Sheldon says

"shut up twerp. maybe i wanna change the way i am is that such a big god damn deal. i guess it is because you are constantly fucking interrogating me" i yell then stand up. i grab the bacon off my plate. "Georgie im using your room" i yell walking away

"why" he asks

"it has a door" i yell back. i walk into Georgies room and slam the door. i flop on his bed face first and scream into his pillow. i take a deep brethe to calm me down. inhaling his scent. i sit up and do a breathing exercise my old principle taught me. breath in for 9 seconds. hold for 4 then breath out for 11. i do this over and over for about 5 minutes but can't calm down. which means the only reason to calm down is to hit something or break something and i don't think Georgie wants me to break anything in his room so i decide i need to ask georgie to spar with me till i calm down. (spar means fight) My anger hardly ever takes it to this extreme but sometimes i just get really pissed off. and today is one of those days. i lay back down ans scream into georgies pillow again. i then start punching it over and over. it calms me a little but i have to actual human being who fights back. Georgie walks in a few minutes later. he knows i am in know way calm because i give him my death glare and my fists are clenched. he sits down beside me.

"you need to spar" he asks i nod

"come on" i say and get up he grabs my hand

"hang on a sec" he says he sits me back down on his bed but doesn't let go of my hand 

"Mace i like you. i have for along time and when we kissed in that alley last night, i felt sparks. this question has been on my mind for a long time and i just finally got the courage to ask you. Macy will you be my girlfriend" he asks. i just smash my lips to his. i kiss him for a good 10 minutes. then pull away

"does that answer your question" i say smirking

"i don't know you better answer it again" he says with a sly grin. i peck his lips

"yes i will be your girlfriend Georgie cooper" i say and he full on smiles. which i noticed he doesn't do very often.

"still need to spar" he asks

"you may have calmed me down but my anger is still there and i don't want my next blow up to be worse then this one" i say

"alright come on" he says and grabs my hand. we walk outside holding hands with out a care in the world

Georgie Cooper love story (young sheldon)Where stories live. Discover now