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"T-minus ten seconds until total obliteration."

I had tried to convince myself that this day would never come, that something like this could never actually happen, yet deep down I had always known it would. No one can escape their future, especially when it has become their past. Yet despite it all, I had almost made myself forget about my fate. I had convinced myself that it was all just a dream, something my overactive mind had concocted. But that was before the officials arrived. Before they came and dragged me out of my house in the middle of the night and shoved me into their black cars and whisked me away.

Maybe I should have ran from them. Maybe I should have fought back. At least proven that I would not go down without a fight. But I hadn't. I let them take me. Because I'm not brave. I'm not strong, and I'm certainly not heroic. I wish I could say differently, but I never have been any of those things.

And never will get the chance to be.

The Visions never lie.

It will be okay. After all, it's for the best. "For the greater good," the officials called it, "to protect others." But deep down, I know this isn't right. No matter the label, no matter the explanation, nothing can justify....this. I'm not the first to end this way, and I certainly will not be the last. Yet I am powerless to do anything to stop it.

Trembling, I watch the unblinking red eye of a camera. It stares back at me mercilessly, prepared to watch yet another person be destroyed. It does not know my story. Neither do the officials hiding behind it, too afraid to witness my demise in person. Nor do these people want to know my story. It is easier to watch a nameless, faceless person die instead.

The VisionМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя