Over the Edge

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Erica just poured her heart out to Rich and confessed her love affair with Cynthia Santana,  a ordinary bartender,..who doesn't know it yet,  but will eventually be one of the most talked about girls in America. Here we are in Rich's uptown studio which Is right across from WEPN-FM, 97.7FM...Well the argument between Rich and Erica got heated..the producers of Love and Hip hop tried to calm things down and resume shooting...After all this is Love and Hip Hop not...Hannibal.Now Erica tried talking to Rich again..this time a little more subtle. RICH COULDN'T JUST LET IT GO...HE HAD TOO MUCH PRIDE ,HIS EGO was about to get the best of him. Now Erica couldn't take anymore she just wanted to leave before Rich tried anything else.  Erica decided she's had enough for one day...She stood up and started to walk away. ..but here comes Dollaz. ..

Erica: I only heard Rich voice behind me saying look here a sec, then I felt him grabbing me...now this fool was trying to fight me in his studio.  I wondered if he had  prepared himself for war.
Rich let me go, I tried fighting him off..l am going to kill you nigga. .
Instead this fucking ass hole pushed me down and I hit my head on a coffee table which was in a corner couple feet away from the door. .I felt like I got slammed into a brick wall..I quickly got back on my feet ., I charged at that moher fucker like a raging bull looking at a fucking red cloth. ..or a buffalo when it's  going in for a kill.
I had his ass now..I am there giving him some kicks and punch.... like Solange in the elevator beating JayZ...I also bit him on the ear..I wish it had came off , you Know a  real MIKE TYSON..HOLYFIELD MOMENT.

I saw ma girl Albee Rushing in ...screaming !!!you going to die Bitch Dollaz .  " Erica move out the way," I knew ma girl was going to pepper spray his ass. I saw Rich falling to his knees..moaning and rubbing his eyes...fucka Albee emptied out the bottle in his eyes I hope he is blind.
Just then I saw Ms. Brown running in..yelling stop stop..
Haha great timing cause I am done here.

Ms. Brown: Erica no no no, what happened,  Are you ok Rich?

Rich still wasn't saying anything,  just whimpering like the bitch he is..apart of me was worried , not about his state..but being kicked off the show or a lawsuit.
Last season they warned us ...especially me about the violence , idk why the hell they call it reality tv and they  trying to coach us.

Finally Rich came to his feet with the help of one of the camera men..

Camera guy: hey hey are you ok..try to open your eyes

Rich: I am okay let go of me man..

Erica: Shit when Rich opened his eyes...I couldn't believe it, his eyes looked as if it was bleeding.

Camera guy#2:  bro you need to go to a doctor. .that doesn't look good.

Ms. Brown and the other producers, along with members of the production team ...were now packed inside the studio.

I just sneakily slid between them..they were all focusing on Rich not me..Albee was right behind me.

i quickly  got into the car..Al came in and we got out of there like two thieves on the run..I knew I should have stayed. Shit ..!I said to myself I will just have to deal with the consequences later.

Albee: Erica and Albee...the new version of Bonnie and Cyde, girl that shit was off the chain, laughing hysterically.
Only thing missing is a cop chase haha..Erica are you ok?

Erica: I can't believe what just happened back there. .Rich for the first time in our 3 year relationship had put his hands on me..big mistake.BIG MISTAKE

Albee: I bet he won't try that shit again.

Phone ringing:.... it was Cyn calling, I hoped her day went better than mine.

Erica: Hey baby you won't believe what just happened, ..

Cyn: babes is everything ok? i have great news

Erica: Yes babes I am good now, cause I am hearing your voice..Please tell me the good news.

Cyn: Well baby I told my family about us ...you know how we met and thing. I told them that I am not a lesbian but I am now dating a girl..they looked at me like I was out of my mind..my sisters started laughing. ..my mom had this blank look on her face like she had just seen a ghost.

I tried to explain to them that..  .I still liked men but I had fallen in love with a woman..I described you and told them you were a star on Love And Hip Hop NY...Erica Mena, my siblings new who you were but my mom was clueless., so I just told her straight up, mom this girl makes me happy and I love her..I expected her to go off,  but to my surprise she said" hunnie I love you, and regardless of who you choose to love...well just as long as the person doesn't hurt you I am fine with it..I just hugged her I love my mom. ♡

baby guess what my mom said as we were hugging. .Cyn just as long as you find away to give me grand babies I will be happy..
Erica I was dieing with laughter...so I guess it went well better that I had hoped.

Erica: wow baby that made my day..I am glad you've gotten your families approval I knew that it really meant alot to you...
I miss you so much Cyn I really wish you were here..

Cyn: Babes I have a feeling something bad went down today..please tell me what happened

Erica: Baby this conversation needs to happen face to face. .can you come over tonight?

Cyn:  Yes...No problem Babe..I just need to know if you are ok

Erica: Yes hun..I am on my way home..just promise me you will come

Cyn: Of course,  message me when you get in so I know you are home ...I will call when I am on my way.  I love you.

Erica: ok  baby love you too♥♥♥♡♡ bye,

Just as I hung up the phone with Cyn..

I got a message from Mona Young, who is the executive producer and creator of love  and hip hop

Mona: Erica we need to speak, in person please as soon as you get this message give me a call.

Erica: Albee that was Mona..this is serious I may have just lost my job
Albee looked at me...with a worried look on her face.

I myself is shaking in ma boots...but iwould die before I showed my fear , I have to play cool.

I dropped Albee off...she was now outside the car

Albee: Erica listen whatever happens I got yuh back ...remember Rich attacked you..if anything he should be thrown off the show, cause you were acting in self defense. ok..

Erica: Yeah thats true, well I'll keep you posted. hey if you get a collect call please take it...it maybe me calling from jail. lol
Albee laughed and shook her head...I drove off ,my head is killing me. I took a real hard blow to the side of my head when I went down on that coffee table.
I hope Rich is alright though, he took a real beating but he deserved it...I wonder what Cyn is going to think about all this craziness that's happening. .I hope I dont scare her off...

I called Cyn to let her know I was home..she said she would be over in less than a hour. .that will give me time to take a shower and grab a bite..I am starving.
Then I will make the dreadful call to Mona..God help me..

Cyn Santana and Erica Mena (LOVE IS ENOUGH)Where stories live. Discover now