Patching an Angel (Castiel x Reader)

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You sighed deeply, resting your cheeks on your palms, as you propped your elbows on the table, trying to focus on the work in hands. It was rather difficult to concentrate in anything really.

The image of the angel burnt on the inside of your eyelids and you remembered how he had been acting strange towards you in the last couple of weeks. How Castiel avoided you like the plague, going to the point where he would completely ignore your presence in the same room and leave as fast as he could whenever you were around. It'd already hurt enough weren't you harboring feelings for that exact same angel.

You grimaced at the very thought, grunting loudly. The sound caught the attention of the younger Winchester, who had been sitting across from you, reading from another book.

"(Y/n)?" He frowned upon your disheveled state. Your eyebrows shot up in surprise and you glanced at him.


"You've been sighing and grunting a lot lately." Sam explained with a glint of amusement on his eyes, but still edging worry.

"I just... can't focus." You shrugged. "I suppose I need some more coffee." You said, making a movement to get up, but Sam beat you to it, standing up and, firmly but gently, pressing you down on your seat by your shoulders.

"No more coffee for you. You haven't eaten anything for over a day, no one can live on caffeine, (y/n). Honestly, you look exhausted."

"I bet I do." You murmured, rubbing your eyes as if on cue.

"Go rest a bit. I'll grab something for us to eat."

You appreciated that even at the verge of exploding, Sam managed to take care of you, like he always had done. You placed your hand over his and squeezed lightly, trying to express at least part of your gratitude.

"Thank you."

He smiled and kissed the top of your head. "I'll be right back."

You watched as he moved away and, only when he was out of sight , let your body relax, falling back onto the chair. You closed the book in front of you and glanced around. You considered taking a nap, but there was too much caffeine in your blood, you'd need to spend that energy and, once it was over, you surely would black out.

You stretched your arms and legs and heard your joints popping with a sigh of relief.  You were in the midst of getting up when there was a flutter of wings followed by a loud thud. Your heart sped off and you immediately looked up, startled.

"Cas!" His name fell from your lips in a cry and you rushed to the side of the angel, kneeling beside his laid form. You reached to touch him, but stopped as you took in all the injuries, afraid of only worsening it. "What happened?"

"Angels." He fought to speak, like if it caused a great pain. You flinched in empathy.

"Where are you hurt?" Your voice failed on the last word, expressing your dread for the angel. Castiel refused to meet your eyes even at that moment. "Please, Cas. I need you to tell me." He sighed.

"Stomach, left shoulder and... back." He muttered.

"Ok." You said, trying to stead yourself. "Do you think you can get up?"

Castiel nodded and you helped him up, careful not to touch any of the wounds as your wrapped your arm around his middle and placed his right arm draped over your shoulders to support himself. You weren't sure were to take him too, but eventually led him to your room.

"Take off your coat and shirt." You bluntly ordered, entering the nurse mode so you wouldn't be embarrassed. He seemed surprised. "So I can see your wounds." You explained.

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