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I pulled Link into a tight hug, never wanting to let go.

"You're going to have to do a lot next year," he mumbled into my hair.

"I know," I sighed, pulling back reluctantly. "How am I going to do it by myself? I'll only be a junior, and-and everyone is leaving me, I can't do it Link." 

There were tears in my eyes now, realization hitting me that I was saying goodbye to one of the best friends I had ever know. 

"You can do it, Shannon. You're the smartest girl I know and you'll make it work."

"I don't want you guys to leave,"

"I'm not leaving forever, I'm just going off to college, silly."

I responded by looking up at him, tears streaming down my face. Link wiped away my tears and kissed me on my forehead. Even though we only met two years ago, Link was like a big brother to me, I felt like I owed everything to him.

"Listen, you won't be on your own, okay? There are a few other high schoolers who will still be here and even if you were on your own, you could totally run this drama club by yourself."

"Okay," I breathed out. "I'm gonna let go now, and you're gonna go get into that truck and drive off to UCLA and be the best god damned college student there ever was."

Link chuckled and pulled away. "Bye Champ, I'll be back to visit before you know it."

I smiled and gave him a quick hug before I watched my best friend get into a truck and drive away. If my junior year wasn't going to be hard enough already, now the weight of the drama club was almost all on me. Fun.

(a/n) this part sucked but it will get better, I promise.

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