Shy boy // Peterick, Brentrick and Brenete

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"You should totally go for him, he's adorable." Brendon tried to convince Pete, both of the boys completely ignoring the teacher at the front of the class room.

"Yeah, but, what if he thinks I'm too, ya know...." Pete trailed off, suddenly wondering into his deep, dark thoughts.

"Too sexual?" Brendon suggested, holding back an impromptu giggle.

Pete glared at the brown haired boy, making him stop and focus on the lesson almost immediately.

"Sir?" Patrick spoke up, interupting the teacher while he was writing on the blackboard.

"Yes, Mister Stump?" He smiled.

Patrick had always been an amazing student; so much so that he was notorious for being the most submissive and loyal person anyone at the school had ever met.

"Sorry to have interupted you, but, I don't quite understand how you got from that equation to that equation, Sir. Could you explain it, please?" Patrick asked in a meek tone, pointing to the mathmatical equations on the board for reference.

"Why, of course!" The teacher went on to explain some theory that almost made Brendon fall asleep, making him decide to focus on what Pete was doing, once again.

"He's so beautiful." Pete thought to himself, looking at Patrick focusing and working hard.

"Wentz?" Brendon whispered, poking Pete in the arm.

"Mister Urie, is there something that you would like to share with the class?" The teacher asked, giving Brendon the teacher stare.

Brendon shook his head, sitting properly and picking up his pencil.

"How about you, Mister Wentz?" The teacher cast his death glare from Brendon to Pete, who was rubbing his arm in the spot the Brendon poked it.

"No, Sir. I'm sorry, Sir." Pete replied as nicely as he could, not wanting to get in trouble, because then he wouldn't be able to try and talk to Patrick at lunch time.

"Good. May I continue, then?" The teacher didn't hesitate to just start the lesson again without a class response.

-------AFTER CLASS-------

"That was quite an apology, Wentz." Brendon giggled, watching the students file out of the classrooms to get to their lockers.

"Well, maybe I'm trying to be a better person for Patrick." Pete blushed, trying to hide his emotions but failing miserably.

"Wow. You're actually serious about that kid, huh?" Brendon queried, starting to see what Pete found attractive about Patrick.

"Don't get any ideas, Beebo." Pete growled, crossing his arms.

Brendon giggled at Pete's anger, "It's fine, Pete. We can just share him...."

"Hmmm," Pete started, "Sounds like a plan, babe."

"Ooh, spicy!" Brendon said, referring to Pete calling him 'babe'.

"Remember when we discussed polyamory?" Pete asked, Brendon catching on almost immediately, holding his friend's hand as they walked through all the mostly abandoned parts of the school.

"If we're gonna share Patrick, should we try and muster up a little chemistry between us, first?" Brendon smirked, snaking his hand around Pete's waist.

"We're both doms, remember?" Pete retorted, pinning Brendon against a wall at the back of the school.

"I still own your ass, Wentz." Brendon snarled, trying to free himself from Pete's clutches, eventually realising that he could just kiss Pete and that would be enough for him to let his hands go.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2018 ⏰

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