The Strokes3

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It was about 3 a.m. I got about 3 hours of sleep. hurray -_-

I attempted to get up off the ground. It took about five painful minutes. my cigarette was on the ground next to me while I was sleeping. I forgot to put it out. well, that was dangerous.

I walked a block over to my friend Amanda's. I was gonna go in and clean up and shit before I went home, but I decided against it. We weren't great friends and I didn't want to wake her up and make a big deal out of it. I ended up lighting another cigarette while walking home.

About 10 minutes later I climbed through my window and checked myself out in the mirror. Blood Everywhere.... I went to the bathroom and took of my blood-caked clothes. Damnit, even my chucks. They're fucking white!

Honestly, I wasn't gonna shower, but there was blood in my hair. after my shower I looked in the mirror. I already started to get a shiner. it hurt just touching it. what was I going to tell my mom? Fuck.

I got a few more hours of sleep before my alarm went off. I forgot to turn it off yesterday. Its Saturday. Well I'm not tired anymore. I decided to go to the kitchen and grab me some fruit loops. Damnit. All out. My brothers eat everything. I went back to my room discouraged. I picked up my acoustic guitar and put the kappo on the first fret. I played for about ten minutes before my oldest brother pounded on the wall and told me to shut up. His room was right next to mine.

"Charlotte!!!!!" my mom called from outside my room. oh shit. my full name. I'm in trouble. I walked out of my room and met her in the hall. "What's with all the bloody towels?" she asked. She looked up at my face and I knew she didn't need an answer. my eye was swollen purple, my lip was cut, and I had to hold my side when I walked. broken rib, maybe?

"You know, ma. Like girl stuff."

"Damnit Char, did you get in a fight last night?" She didn't buy it.

I looked down at my feet.

"Did you?!"

"Nah, mom. I got attacked by an emu. heard they're becoming indigenous to farmland, ya know."

"Not funny Charlotte. Just clean up the mess." she sighed.

"Whatever." I said under my breath.

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