Blue Jeans: Jimmy Darling

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Inspired by the song blue jeans by Lana Del Rey. The lyrics won't be in order lol.

"Blue jeans. White shirt. Walked into the room, you know you made my eyes burn."
I sit in the third row with the rest of the crowd. Ready for the show to begin. The anticipation is killing me. I've always loved performances, but I've heard this freak show is something from another world.
Just as I was about to pull out my book and read, the lights go out and reappear with stage lights. A woman comes on stage and starts talking about the history of the show. How the "freaks" were recruited and the different acts you could see tonight.
I kind of zoned out for a little while, that is until what I saw from the corner of my eye.
A handsome man walked out onto the stage. He was wearing blue jeans and a white T-shirt.
"Wow," I think to myself. He really has a nice face.
He must have caught me staring because he winked at me. That caught my attention.
I realized that I must of been staring for quite awhile because my eyes burn from the lack of blinking.

"It was like James Dean, for sure."
The more that I think about it. This man is very charismatic. From the way he talks to the crowd. To the way he'll glance over to me and wink when I least expect it. It was like James Dean disguised as this mysterious man.
I can't wait till the show is over so I can find him and talk to him.

"I know that love is mean. And love hurts."
When the show finally ended I raced out of there in hopes I wouldn't get caught in the large crowd.
I walk out from under the show tent and continued my adventure to try and fine this mysterious James Dean guy.
I wondered over to where they had these trailers parked. I'm guessing that's where the acts live.
I walked around that general area hoping that he'd appear but I've got nothing so far.
That is until I heard the sound of a lighter lighting a cigarette behind me.
"Oh shit," I curse under my breath. I've been caught. I hope they don't call the police for trespassing or something.
"Can I help you sweetheart," the voice behind me says. The voice sounds awfully familiar.
"I was just leaving," I say as I turn around. It was him. The mysterious James Dean man.
"Leaving so soon?" He says sounding some what hurt.
"I-I-," I tried to make out words but they just came out as stutters.
"Look darlin. I know you were looking for me. That's I followed you," He says while inhaling the cigarette smoke.
I just blush.
"I'm Jimmy. Jimmy Darling," He says as he extended his hand to shake mine.
"I'm Y/F/N Y/L/N," I say as I shake his hand.
"What a beautiful name," He says while winking.
Time skip
We went back to Jimmy's trailer and just talked for a couple of hours.
I found out that he's lived with Elsa and the others since he's been young.
He drives a motorcycle, and he's planning on covering 'Come as you are- by Nirvana'. I also found out that he's very apprehensive when it comes to relationships.
"Look, I know that love is mean, and that love hurts, but I really like you and if you give me a chance I promise I won't hurt you like those other bitches before," I say as I light my own cigarette to calm my nerves from what I've just said.
"Alright darlin', if you say so," He says back.
"Thanks Jimmy!" I say as I run over to kiss his cheek.
"I'll be back tomorrow. I promise!" I say as I run home since it's getting late.
"Bye doll!" He yells back.

Time skip again
"Wow." I think to myself as I walk up the front porch of my house.
"I think I just scored big time," I say as I walk upstairs to room. Waiting for what tomorrow might bring.

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