Veins of Fire

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Just a little thing about Leo that popped into the scary thing called my mind. Kinda my take in his fire powers inspired by the cover. Takes place right after Percabeth falls into Tartarus. Leo is alone in a forest somewhere.

Leo Valdez was angry. The reason everything bad had ever happened to him was because of Gaea. His mother's death, losing Calypso, Percabeth (Yes he shipped it) falling into Tartarus. It was all because of the crazy earth goddess and her idea that she needed to rule. His pace increased as he ignored the calls of his companions and creaks of Festus.

As Leo forged deeper into the wood, it got darker and darker until he could hardly see five feet in front of him. Every noise caused by humans was gone save his breathing and the crunch if his boots. He let a small flame come into existence in his palm so he could see. He came to a large clearing and stood in the middle, calming his emotions. Soon though all of his anger came trickling back like a leak in a bucket.

He didn't feel his flame growing and racing up his arm and covering his body. He began to see red the more he thought of Old Dirt Face. He was a pillar of fire at this point. IT'S HER FAULT! EVERYTHING IS HER FAULT!

This is where Leo learned the truth about his fire powers. All of his fire condensed into a ball as bright and hot as the sun and exploded outward with the force of a Titan. His hands turned black as coal and his very blood caught fire. Power coursed through him. His blood burned away everything human about his appearance. His skin turned black and as hard as diamond. His eyes became pits of fire. His face became chiseled and scaled. His hands became clawed and he grew in height and gained muscle. His teeth turned to fangs and giant wings black as pitch ripped out of his shoulder blades. He screamed and fire erupted from his maw and lit up the sky. Leo roared and any birds still alive dropped dead.

As suddenly as the change overtook him, it left. His change back felt like ice and his entire body ached like it had been run over by a steamroller. His head felt like it would split in two. He clutched his head and crumpled in the middle of the crater that used to be a clearing.

What's wrong with me? What am I?!
So yea that's it. What do ya think lovelies? Go check out my other story if you haven't already please!

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