The Commencement

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I stumbled upon something so evil, something that ruined my life. My eyes open widely in surprise. My body is shaking in anger.

I don’t remember it fully but now I can connect the things. I think I just discovered something.

This is how it started…

I woke up. It’s very hard to move. You know the feeling of just lying on a bed for a year? That’s how I felt. I felt like my muscles, my nerves, and my whole body became very stiff that I can no longer use it. That time, everything I saw was not clear. Sounds were echoing but I cannot comprehend. About a minute had past then my senses all returned. Where am I? I woke up in a hospital bed!

I saw three people: a doctor, an unknown young woman, and a nurse. I recognized them based on their outfits. Then they began to talk to me.

“I am Dr. Dave Richards. You’re in a coma for a week.”

I was stunned knowing that I was in a coma. He continued talking, discussing my condition that I have bruises, wounds, so on and so forth. I cannot listen to him. I’m in a state of shock. Of course, anyone who finds out that they just gone through a coma will be shocked.

“How are you feeling right now?” the doctor asked.

“I feel weak.” I replied.

Then the young woman joined our conversation, “I saw you lying at the park. I think you had a horrible accident. What happened to you?”

“I don’t know.”

The doctor asked again, “What is your name?”

I replied the same answer, “I don’t know. I don’t even know why I am here.”

“Hmm, I suspect you have a hysterical amnesia.”

“What is a hysterical amnesia?”

“It is a very rare type of amnesia wherein patients not only forget their past but also their very identity.”

For the next couple of days, I went through some examinations. The doctor asked a series of questions about my life and my memories but I gave him no answer for I cannot recall things. Then, he conducted physical exams on me and a test called EEG or Electroencephalogram. He said that EEG will help him to detect my brain activity while I am doing cognitive activities. After it he concluded…

“You really cannot recall your past and your identity. Don’t worry. In most cases, memories come back within a short period of time. Come back here for a follow-up check-up. We’ll check your progress.”

I felt the agony of losing oneself. I can be compared to a dead person. I do not know anything about myself. I was just a piece of living thing that knows nothing.

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