Nicki Minaj:dirty work

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(Nicki's point of view)
I was in Wayne's house sitting on the couch. When Austin walked in (I just thought of the name Austin don't ask why) he was my boyfriend. Wayne was somewhere upstairs doing who knows what when Austin grabbed me by my wrists and pushed me on the wall. "Austin what are you doing?" I asked "showing you how much I love you." He then ran his fingers up my back to my neck threw my hair and to my nose. It ticked a little bit. He then put his finger on my lip. Witch also tickled. He smiled and I did to. "Austin?" I asked "what's up?" He answered "what are you hiding from me?" I laughed a little bit "nothing why do you assume that I'm hiding something?" He asked. I shook my head. He then leaned in for a kiss when I pushed him away. "So that's how your going to do yo boyfriend?" He asked "yep." I giggled he knew I was teasing him. "Nicki can I have one little kiss? Please?" I smiled "I guess" and with that he kissed me.

(Austin's POV)

I came into Wayne's house and saw Nicki on her phone probably on twitter. I then grabbed her wrist making her put her phone down. Then I pushed her into the wall. I ran my fingers up her back to her neck threw her hair and to her nose. We talk more then my finger went to her lips. Then I kissed her lips. When we where done kissing her lip gloss got on my lips "Man, Nic you got lip gloss on my lips." We both laughed "sorry." She said I then saw Wayne come down stair I looked at Nicki who was looking down and then back up at me. "Hey Wayne." I greet he looked mad as all get out. "Hey Austin" he said. He didn't have that excitement in his voice like he used to. "What's wrong Dwayne?" Nicki said "nothing. And I told you just call me Wayne." He said. Wow something was really up he would have more excitement then ever. Awe something was really wrong but what was it? Wayne is funner than this normally. Man I guess it's my job to make him feel better. Well me and nicki's job.

(Wayne's POV)

I had just got off the phone with my mom she said my dad died. He was around all my life but he had to go now. Why now? I was broken I told,nicki to come here and Austin to stay. "Nic my my d-d-dad d-died." I say as tears begin to fall. She then hugs me. I cried into her chest when I hear Austin come up I quickly wipe my tears and stop hugging nicki. "What's going on?" He says I look at nicki with the Please-Don't-Say-Anything look. She shook her head in the yea-I-know look. Nicki is like family to me. I know she won't tell I got up and took a little walk. I couldn't handle this. I was thinking out loud when I ran into a little girl who walked next to me. "Hi I'm Lilly." She said smiling "hi Lilly I'm Wayne." I said still looking down. We talked the whole time we where walking.

(Nicki POV)

I promised Wayne I wouldn't say anything. Me and Austin went back down stairs I was on Twitter and Instagram. Suddenly there was a knock on the door I got up to get it while Austin was still sitting on the couch. There was a little boy there. "Hi is my daddy here?" He asked I smiled he was so cute. "Who is your daddy?" I asked smiling letting him come in. "His name is Austin." I looked at Austin and told him to come here "Austin u have a guess." I said the little boy ran up to Austin and hugged him as Austin did the same thing. They talked for a while as I went upstairs I heard the little boy say "is that my mom daddy?" All I heard was Austin say "yes that is your mommy." I smiled as I went upstairs. Minutes later Wayne comes upstairs with a little girl. I smiled at them. They smiled back Wayne looked happy. "Hey Wayne who is this?" I say in a little light voice getting on my knees to be at her level. "This is Lilly." He said I smiled at her as we greeted each other this girl is so young but she knows I'm Nicki minaj. How? I was the only person with out a little person with me. I am still on the adoption list I've been on there for years. Wayne said he adopted Lilly he knows what has happened in her life. I quickly walked to my room,closed the door and cried. It wasn't locked just closed. A couple of hours later Austin walked in. "Babe wats wrong?" He asked I sat there wiping my tears "o um nothing just going thro some stuff." I said he looked at me like he new I was lying. I had to tell him I was pregnant. He started walking out but then I whispered yelled "no wait please don't go." He came back to the bed and hugged me. Austin really didn't want kids so this was hard. "Yea bae?" I sat there for a moment and finally spoke. "Um I half to tell you something important but please promise that u won't get mad." He shook his head "ok I won't I promise." I had to find the words to tell him then I found them. I spoke super fast "I'm pregnant with your child please don't make me get an abortion please Austin this is what I've been waiting for!!.." He looked at me confused. "What say it slowly you said it to fast." I took a deep breath and said "I'm pregnant with your child please don't make me get an abortion please Austin this is what I've been waiting for." I said he got up and took my hands and pulled me up. Then he hugged me and said "we are totally keeping this child why would I make you get a abortion I believe every child should get a chance to live." I smiled. If he wanted me to I would have said no anyway I'm keeping my child. "Do we tell Wayne or make it a surprise?" I asked he smiled "I think we should tell him." I grabbed his hand and we called Wayne. He came up. "Wayne? We half to tell you something." He looked at us like ok go on. I spoke "Wayne...." I smiled. "I'm going to have a baby. " I smiled letting my dimples show. He smiled and hugged us. "Yay!!!! Im gonna be a uncle!!!!!" We all smiled. They then looked at me "wait so how do you know if ur pregnant?" They both asked at the same time. "My period didn't come this month. And when it doesn't come that means your pregnant." They looked at me as I sat down on the bed. "Any questions?" I said. "Nope but that was disturbing nic you know that I don't like that word." They both said.

(Waynes POV) 

Nicki is pregnant im gonna be a uncle i cant wait. baby boy ill buy him jordans and spot stuff. if baby girl i will buy her jordans and girly sutff.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2014 ⏰

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