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Why hello, internet!

I'm Rachel Elizabeth.

I don't know how to introduce myself, as I am a very socially awkward human being.

But I am quite crazy, yet friendly.

I can tell you guys something, I am a cat crazy, fun loving, game playing twiharder. I eat food for pleasure. I have a beautiful 1 year old grey and white tabby, Mittenz, who rocks my whole world. I have my iPod, which I use wayyyy to much. My phone, which I hate to bits, and social media which I umm.....*cough* am too addicted to.

I am a homeschooler, as I have been for just over a year and I am crazy about Andy Clemmensen.

Every Saturday, Monday and Wednesday, I will update my book on randomness.

I would even take you on a journey of my life but you would get very bored.

Now, you guys are probably asking "why is this called randomness if you're just talking about your life" 1- my life is randomness 2- I'm not talking about my life.

In the next few chapters I'm just going to be telling you a bit about random I am XD

I'll see you in a couple of days, -Rach <3

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