05 | Time Portal

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Zeref took a step back as he admired his work, today was the day, when he would see if it actually worked.

Zeref had created a time portal, which allowed him to travel to the future. He had never been too interested in the future, because he would be able to see it anyway, he was immortal. But building a time portal gave him something to do in his boring life. And who knows, maybe it would come in handy one day.

There were only two people who knew about this portal, his friends Anna and Igneel.

Zeref wanted to see if his creation worked, and so he would open this end of the gate, while his future self would open the other end. But afterwards Zeref would want to return here. So he would need someone from this end to open the gate for him. This is when one of the time portals flaws were shown. Zeref was not the only one who could open and close the gate, Celestial Mages who had enough gold keys, were able to open and close the gate. The reason being their magic was just as strong.

This, however, came in handy given the circumstances. For Zeref's friend, Anna Heartfillia, just happened to be a Celestial Mage.

So, asking her to open the gate a week after he had gone, Zeref's plan was complete. He would be able to roam around in the future for a week, and then come back, as though nothing had happened. He wasn't doing it for any set purpose, it was just something interesting to do during his life of immortality, he would also be able to meet his future self.

Smiling slightly he walked towards the time portal. His eyes seeping in its every detail. This was it, the time were he'd go to the future.

Looking back at the forest where the green trees swayed in the wind and the birds called out to each other, Zeref was curious. Where would the time portal be in the future? He was guessing it wouldn't be surrounded by trees like it was now.

A bird flew overhead, bringing a smile to his face as he thought of how it's colouring reminded him of Mavis' hair. Suddenly a dark magic seeped out from him, all the trees in his sight dying and the very bird he had his eyes on died instantly, falling from the sky and into his hands.

The smile on his lips fell as he returned to the cold heartless man that he would be known as in the future, dropping the dead bird carelessly he whipped his cloak around himself and walked towards the portal.

He couldn't care, he reminded himself, he had to stay emotionless, the more he cared the more things he cared about died.

Black magic flying from his fingertips the portal doors opened, with a smirk he walked through them without a second glance. And before he knew it, he was gone from the past.


This was it, when he had to open the portal for his past self. Sighing he wrapped his black cloak around his figure and pulled the hood down, heading towards the Kingdom, this would be interesting.

He didn't bother to hide his magic aura, letting people sense his presence was part of the fun, it made things more enjoyable.

Reaching the Kingdoms gates he smirked, looking at the guards who shivered in fright, recognising him instantly from his aura.

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