A Fallout Tale (Venturian Fanfic)

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Vahl stood in her TARDIS, waiting to hear her master's voice tell her what the next adventure would hold. The dark room was filled with smoke on the floor and the soft glow of the time machine's console lit the small circular room.

She wondered where Steam was. According to her master, he got this strange machine in Steam located in a region known as the Internet. Vahl could only wonder what the inhabitants looked like. According to her master, they looked like the humans in the villages. One of the races living in the Internet was the Fans. They perform a ritual called "commenting" to contact her master and give him advice on the world he called a "game."

"Vahl," Venturian's voice said in her head. His voice was young and strange but she trusted him. He went through the sorrows and pain with her.

"Yes, Venturian?" Vahl replied.

"I'm afraid I have some good news and bad news." She heard him grunt. What could be wrong?

"What troubles you, master?"

"The bad news comes first. This... this is goodbye."


"Y-yes. I'm leaving Skyrim up to you, now. Please take care of your new kingdom and your subjects." His voice quivered. "I'm going to miss you, Vahl."

"Wait! Where are you going!?"

"That's... that's the good news. I'm traveling over 50,000 years to meet a descendant of Poet. She needs my help surviving in a harsh, war-torn land."

"Will I ever see you again?"

There was an unusual period of silence. "M-maybe not."

She bowed her head and steadied herself on the TARDIS console. "You said this machine can travel in time, right?"

He sniffled. "It's supposed to but... it can't. The scripting won't allow a game transfer."

She came up with a plan. "Master? How did you do that quicksave thing?"

"I pressed a button on my keyboard but the game does an autosave when you enter a door. Why?"

"No reason. I just wondered how you did all your amazing tricks."

"Goodbye, Vahl. I'll miss you."

"I'll miss you, too, Venturian." She heard the usual click of his leave and she activated the TARDIS. "I'll see you in 50,000 years."

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