Part 1

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I haven't gotten any sleep in 3 days. I told my mother about it and she just said "It'll go away, soon." but it's been almost a month and it still hasn't gone away. I told my cousin and she claims that had a nightmare like mine a few weeks ago but I didn't believe her.

Oh, I'm sorry. I never got to introduce myself! My name is Tim, but some people call me Timothy, or Timmy. I am 14 years old. Anyways, let's get back to my nightmare story.

The next day, I almost fell asleep in school. My friend looked at me in concern. "Are you okay, Tim?" he asked. "I-I'm fine, Leo." I stuttered a bit. (Loafmask345 You're welcome) "You sure? You look like shit!" Leo said out loud. The teacher heard Leo and yelled "Watch your mouth!" at him. I wanted to yell back at the teacher but I couldn't. I looked at Leo. "I haven't slept in three days." I said. "Why? Is it because of those nightmares?" I look down and nod knowing that Leo was worried. I didn't want to worry him more but I did.


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