the day the baby born

5 0 0

9 moths later

me and the boys are at school and im hanging my friends and liam and we all at lunch and went to set down all the i felt like i just peeped my pants and i look down and my water broke in the middle of the cafe and i told liam that my water just broke and he called his mom and dad and said meet us at the hospilat and liam and me went there and liam for help that my grilfriend is having a baby and there was a lot doctors and nures then i got to the bed and the doctor told me push and she said she can see the bed and that the baby was almost out and and she said one big push and my baby was out and it was a baby girl and liam wanted name it we both said that we name it after my sister so her name is hannah bella robbins and after we name her liams borthers and his parnets came in with my friends and ask us what was her name was we said her was hannah after my sister and they all went aww and they cried and they all wanted hold the baby and which they did .

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