The Ink is Pumping

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Welcome guys, gals, and non-binary pals
This is the beginning of a new story, and I hope you're ready. Because this is going to be about none other than BENDY AND THE INK MACHINE!
"It's about time I let you in on a little secret." Joey Drew leans closer to you, placing his hand on your back. His breath smells of mint and a fade of cigarettes. Joeys shirt is stained with shiny black ink. "Shortly, I will no longer be here to watch over the machine, I will need a responsible and trustworthy being to keep an eye on the ink machine and this whole place." You shut your eyes tightly. What was it gonna be like without Joey here all the time, always warning you about all the rules and regulations. "But there is one thing you must know, one thing you must obey. You nor anyone else shall touch the ink machine no matter what."
His gruff voice has a tint of anger as he moves his lips right up to your ear. "Or there will be consequences. Deadly consequences." A dark tone washes over his voice as he warns you. Joey Drew leans his hand on the back of your wooden chair to push himself up. You breathe heavily as you hear the creak of the wooden floored hallway, and the click clack of his shiny dress shoes.
Could you really look after the factory all on your own? Wouldn't you get lonely? That's when a warm memory fills your heart. It's of Bendy, after Joey was first drawing him. You remembered it like it was yesterday.

Everyone was milling about, the factory was absolutely crowded. Your insides were jumping with excitement. Finally after almost a year you were gonna find out who this Bendy character really was. Joey Drew and Henry and Shawn Flynn and Sammy Lawrence all stood right in front of the ink machine. Any minute now your dreams and imagination would come to life. Any minute now... *thump thump thump* It was time!!! Joey must have installed the automatic lever. The machine shook and made noises. Your eyes were open wide, your breath was caught in your chest. Adrenaline pumped through your veins like a river in a forest. Everyone was silent. The only sound to be heard was the ink machine.
And after a moment Joey Drew spoke up in his announcers voice.
"Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls. Are you ready?!" The crowd cheers with excitement.
"Since Bendy is our newest addition, we shall give the machine the temporary 'TRENDY NEW BENDY INK MACHINE' (mat pat reference anyone?) Joeys voice booms through the air and everyone explodes in applause. A pumping sound developing from the machine makes everyone go quiet. Even more pumping as gooey, thick, shiny blank ink plops out. Everyone watches with wide eyes as the ink shapes by itself into the character that is supposed to change the factory forever. The inky black figure is about as tall as you and has a smile like a robot. His head has two cat like ears and wide eyes. It is amazing! A smile breaks across your face and you run up to Bendy. "Hey, be careful there little missy. No touchy yet." Joey calls chuckling. You frown. How is that fair? You've been waiting for this moment for months! You sigh frustrated. You stomp to the back of the crowd and sit on a step.
Suddenly you hear the clack of dress shoes 'ugh here comes Joey to give me a talk' you sigh and start to look up. But it's not Joey Drew, it's Shawn Flynn. What was he doing? Why would he want to talk to you? All he cares about is getting his paycheck and he's always grumpy. But he leans down next to you and a slight smile wipes across his face.
"Hey miss. I guess I never really got to properly introduce myself." He straightens his suit, pops his collar, and sticks a hand out. "Shawn Flynn." You can't help but giggle has you shake his hand. It's bigger than yours, it's cold since the cold temperatures Joey keeps the factory at and its soft. "Pleasure to meet you, and by the way that's a nice dress." He winks at you. Your cheeks turn a shade of dark red and your eyes trail to the floor. "Anyhow, I wanted to say that I am greatly impressed by what your father has accomplished with this creation. I had no idea he was capable of making this so-" he looks around to find a suitable word "realistic and lifelike." Mr. Flynn is beaming now. "This ink machine here is by far one of the most marvelous inventions I've ever came across. And without Joey Drew here none of this,' he gestures around 'would be possible" Shawn clears his throat and shakes his head slightly. "I guess what I'm trying to say is that it is a pleasure getting to work in this establishment with these great people and magnificent masterpieces." Shawn gives you a high five and winks one more time before turning around and disappearing into the crowd.
'Well that was random' you say to yourself smiling. After taking one last look at Bendy you run upstairs. On the wall beside your bedroom is a picture of Alice Angel. It was a shame that soon this picture would be replaced with a Bendy photograph. But of course that was okay with you. You already knew that Bendy was going to be one of your favorites out of all of your fathers other characters. Of course Alice would be very angry when all the attention was on Bendy, that's just how she is.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2018 ⏰

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