Remember the night

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"Luke?" I peeked into the door "come in." he sighed " babe are you okay?" I asked "yeah I guess so."

"Luke.." I sighed "sorry I just some times explode." he huffed "its okay.. I get it." I smiled "thanks .. hey you know our first date was kinda ruined by the boys well I want to make it up to you us to alone." he smirked "I guess but I wanna go she my mom if that's okay." I told him "yeah that's cool I could come if you want." he smiled "yeah." I blushed "so you don't remember nothing from last night?" he grinned "its all a big plob of blur." I explained

"I want you to remember." he kissed on my neck sucking on my sweet spot causing me to moan "shshh.. we don't make noise we don't wanna make any noise is your mom home at your house?" he had a devious smirk "she works till four." I mumbled "c'mon lets go."he got up as we walked toward the door when we got to the bottom of the stares the boys whistled "Were going out Dont disturb us." luke rolled his eyes "Get some." Daniel laughed "let's go." he lead me out the door


We got to my house it was empty boxes that haven't been unpacked the furniture we had bought like the couch,tv, beds all the furniture you need had already been put just the unpacking of boxes

"Lets go." he smirked as he went to my room it was painted purple, Queen bed, just a regular room I had already unpacked all my stuff so it actually didn't look empty "you wanna do this?" he asked "mhm I'm just scared." I told him

"It's okay.. i'll be gentle." He kissed my cheek "Do you have a condom?" he blurted I shook my head

"Hold up." he reached in his pocket and pulled one out "gotta be prepared." he headed to the bathroom

Why would he have one in his pocket unless he has sex a lot... no I'm worrying to much..hopefully


"Done." he walked out "ready babe?" he walked closer to me "yeah." I nodded still scared we wrapped his arms around my waist kissing my neck he soon found my sweet spot and sucked on it he placed me on my bed and made if way up my shirt unclamp my bra still sucking on my sweet spot he quickly through my shirt and pants across the room he reconnected out lips as he licked my bottom lip asking for entrance and I gladly excepted and as his tongue explored my mouth I tugged on the hem of his shirt he took that as a sign he quickly broke the kiss and took of his shirt and pants and he was in his boxers now we both half naked me with a bra and shirt I felt so uncomfortable cuts covered my body not a nice site

He was about to take my bra but I stopped him "its okay." he smiled he placed wet kissed on my wrist and

His 'member' was exited "ready?" he asked I nodded

-Rated R scene your reading at your own choice (not written by me but shout out to her (didn't want me to put her name) but yeah.)

He pulled his underwear causing is Dick to spring up I pulled my under wear of "its okay." he position himself "i'll go slowly." he slowly entered me he was so big I bit my lip trying to stop the tears "ugh b-baby t-ell me when to stop." He groaned and kept pushing him self deeper it hurt so bad.. Tears ran down my face "no no baby I hurting you." he started pulling himself out

"No no just give me time to adjust." I reassure him him as he slowly kept pushing himself deeper "your so tight ugh." he yelled in pleasure slowly the pain was replaced with pleasure "you can move now." I told him as he slowly thrusted "ahh harder!" I digged my nails in his back "I'm s-sorry." he groaned "for w-what?" I stuttered "making you not able to walk tomorrow." he chuckled as he grabbed on to the bed board for support and he thrusted each time harder and deeper hitting my g spot each Time

"Ugh baby I'm so close." He moaned

Just then his phone rang.

"Ugh!" he yelled as he kept thrusting

"A-arent y--you gonna aa-awnser?!"

"I..It's j-just the boys.." he finally lets out his fluids as did I shortly after

"Baby you were amazing." he rolled of me and laid next to me.

-------(well okay that's over )

"Honey I'm home!" my moms voice echoed we had fallen asleep


"Luke!" I shook him "get up!" I panicked

"Mhm." he kept his eyes close

"My moms home! hide!"

He quickly jumped up and hid in the bathroom

"(Yn) what happened here?" my mom walked in

My room was a mess " know unpacking." i said nervously

"Okay clean this up while i finish unpacking the rest." she said

"um okay."

"one more thing why are you in your bra ?

"its hot." i lied



late update


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2014 ⏰

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