CHAT TWO-- Same fears

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(Jay has logged on)
(Ezioxpizza has logged on)
(Blueman has logged on)
(Connor has logged on)
(DessieM has logged on)

DessieM: heyo

Connor: Good afternoon, Desmond.

Blueman: Bonjour! Me fellow murderers!

Ezioxpizza: salvatí, doppelganger :)

Blueman: I am not your DOPPELGANGER, you bastard!

DessieM: okay, its been four seconds already, and you two dick wods are already arguing, great job guys. New record.

Connor: I couldn't of said it better my self

Blueman: hey, I just realized that Jay hasn't spoken...

Ezioxpizza: and she hasn't said anything....

Ezioxpizza: Jay, mia cara, are you okay?

Blueman: yes, I hope that Altaïr has not harmed you

Connor: I'll scalp that man like a sausage

DessieM: Jay?


Blueman: refusing to talk, are we??

Jay:.....Why do u care, you French boi

Ezioxpizza: AHA! She speaks! Good job, Jay!

Connor: I am curious...what is you real name, Jay?



DessieM:....I think its Jessica

Connor: what about Jeannette?

DessieM: oooo not Bad Con, you gotta a great taste in names

Connor: why thank you

Blueman: what about Jean?

Ezioxpizza: Janessa?

Blueman: VANESSA!!

Jay: omfl, stfu, all of you guys!


Connor: yeah, I got carried away...

Ezioxpizza: I REGRET NOTHIN'

DessieM: sure, Ezio, sure.

Blueman: but Jay, what is you real name??

Connor: yes, we're dying to know

DessieM: **smiles** u can trust us

Ezioxpizza: Sí! We are like one big family here!

Jay: **struggles to think**

Jay:....okay, okay.....

{Jay has changed her name to....Jacinta}

Jacinta:....That's my real name.... **blushes**

DessieM: oh that's a cool name!!

Connor: my, its unique & beautiful!

Blueman: oml, I think I love u

Ezioxpizza:....*struggles to talk*

Jacinta: so yes. That's my name...hey *awkwardly smiles & waves*

Blueman:....hang on a sec....

One second later

{Blueman has invited Altaïr to the Convo}

Jacinta: OMG! !!!! WHY DID YOU INVITE HIM????

Altaïr: ??? Whose that?

DessieM: its Jay!

Altaïr:.... I don't believe you.

Ezioxpizza: no, no, it is true! Scroll up & read

Altaïr:.... Ok

Two minutes later


Blueman: yes my friend that is Jay

DessieM: & her name too


Ezioxpizza: mama mia...we broke the man

Connor: maybe he's just in shock?

Ezioxpizza: no, he's broken

Connor: okay *shrugs*

Jacinta :....Altaïr....?? U okay? *puts hand on shoulder*

Altaïr: *taken back and jumps a little*

Jacinta: whoa, its okay! Its me Jacinta/Jay *pats Altaïr's head*

Altaïr:.... That's a beautiful name....unique... Just like you...

Jacinta: *blushes HARD*

Blueman & Ezioxpizza: *thumbs up* *whispers* go for it!!!

Jacinta: um, thank you, mentor *scoots away a little* hey! Lets all hang out! Parkour time!

Connor: sounds enjoyable

{Connor logged off}

DessieM: hell yas! Last time I did that was jumping off a building whilst hearing Shawn's voice & nearly died :/

{DessieM has logged off}

Blueman: I am ready to PERFORM!!

{Blueman has logged off}

Ezioxpizza: I wanna get some pizza on the way tho

{Ezioxpizza has logged off}

Jacinta: * glances over at Altaïr* thank you, for saying that... *slightly blushes*

Altaïr: no worries... Novice *Snickers*

Jacinta: oh shut up, C'mon let's go before Ezio's pizza gets cold

Altaïr: right behind you

{Jacinta & Altaïr has Logged off}

I had like...15 parts, and they're GONE. So I'll whip up more:'(

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