Ch. 4

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The alarm signaling that the night simulation rang and Armitage felt like throwing the damn thing across the room. Instead he wedged his head between Kylo's arm and chest, trying to block out the noise. "It seems it is time for your shift on the bridge General." Kylo said laughing, already having been awake for the past hour, taking in Armitage's sleeping form. "It'll be time when I say it's time!" He grumbled, squirming further into Kylo. "Now that is not very much like you General. You're always at least fifteen minutes early." Kylo tutted. "Not when I could just lay here naked in bed with you. Now shut up and let me go back to sleep." Armitage growled back. Kylo chuckled deeply, Armitage could feel his chest shake with the force of it.

"Come on now Armitage. The crew relies on you. I am Supreme Leader now. You must do as I say." He teased, walking two of his fingers down Armitage's spine. "Oh bugger off." Armitage replied, giving Kylo a playful slap to the chest. Kylo then turned around and pulled Armitage into his arms, spooning him from behind. Armitage sucked in a deep breath when he felt something quite stiff poking him in the back of his thigh. "Kylo..." He whispered before daringly grinding against his erection. "Armitage... we've talked about this. Not until the bruises..." He trailed off when he noticed tears cascading down the other's cheeks. "...Armitage? Why are... why are you crying?" He asked with a concerned expression.

"Oh Kylo... it's really stupid... please just don't mind me. You are right. I should be getting ready to preform my duties. I suppose I will see you tonight." He said starting to untangle himself from Kylo's embrace. Kylo stopped him by grabbing his wrist, not enough to hurt of course. "Stay and tell me what troubles you." He said. He desperately wanted to enter Armitage's mind but he knew it would only upset the general further. Which is why he hadn't reached out that morning to find him. Armitage never had taken to kindly to having his mind invaded.

"I told you it is fruitless and childish. Please just let me go get ready Ren." Armitage said again, tears coming faster now, dripping from his cheeks into the divots of his collar bones. "Armitage, I need to know what you are feeling so I can make it better." Kylo said, voice as soft as he could muster behind the worry. "I feel even worse that you won't touch me... It's one thing to have you act violently to me but... not having you wanting to touch me at all, is so much worse. I know the reasoning behind it but I can't help from having these foolish thoughts that it is only an excuse because you are growing bored of me after all these trysts we've had..." Armitage finally admitted.

Kylo looked up to Armitage, a pained expression on his face. "Why didn't you tell me that before?" He asked, pulling the other man down against his chest. "You were so damn invested in your promise... I didn't want to take that from you... and in a way, I thought it was going to fix this... but Kylo I just want your tenderness. Show me you can love me softly and I will let you have me as your own." Armitage replied, whimpering a bit at the end. Kylo pulled him up his body further and smiled at him sweetly. "Your wish is my command General." He said before locking his lips with Armitage's. Armitage whimpered again and this allowed Kylo to plunge his tongue into his awaiting mouth causing the other to moan. "I...I thought you were in command, hmm?" Armitage asked laughing breathlessly as he pulled away. "Is this concerning the First Order? No. That means you may dictate my every action. Which brings me to ask, how shall I please my gorgeous leader?" Kylo replied, nipping at Armitage's shoulder. "You are quite aware how Ren."

Kylo leant forward and smiled against Armitage's lips before kissing him again. Taking him by the tongue and flipping them over so that he loomed over the red head. "Is that a command General?" He asked parting from his mouth in favor of nosing down his neck. "It is a plead." Armitage responded, gasping at the tickling sensation. Kylo then pressed his body to Armitage's, grinding his cock against the other's. Armitage's eyelids fluttered shut and his breath hitched at the sudden sensation filling his body. "Y-you do have...? He asked not having to finish his statement. "Beside you in the drawer." Kylo replied watching as Armitage retrieved the lube from the bedside stand. He took it from his hand and poured an abundant amount into the palm of his hand.

"I will be as gentle as I can. I know it has been months Armie." Kylo said. Armitage blushed at the new term of endearment. Kylo delicately pressed his index finger to the tight rim of Armitage's hole. He tensed up, anxious to feel his lover move inside him once again. He hissed as Kylo slipped his first knuckle passed the ring of muscle, the force user shushed him and rubbed his other hand down his side to get him to relax, careful of the bruises. Kylo moved his hand up to Armitage's chest and tweaked one of his nipples, earning a drawn-out moan from Armitage. This did a good job distracting him as Kylo slid his finger the rest of the way in. "You are so beautiful Armitage."

Armitage hissed again as Kylo now began pressing in the second. Kylo bent over to kiss and lave his tongue along Armitage's flushed chest, nibbling gently on his perky nipples. Armitage arched his chest up into Kylo's ministrations. He cupped the back of the force user's head and threaded his fingers through the thick, black locks. They had never really bothered with anything else during sex besides the actual act of penetration, not really concerned with one another's needs. Armitage couldn't have hoped for more in this moment. Feeling absolutely loved and taken care of. Kylo's lips back on his own, a hand roaming the sensitive expanse of his chest, and the other opening him up to take his lover.

"K-Kylo... need to feel you... need it now." Armitage choked out after they broke apart, needing to fill their lungs. The pleasure was making it hard for him to form coherent thoughts. "Are you sure? I do not want to hurt you." Kylo replied, stopping what he was doing. "If you do, it will be a good pain. Please Kylo..." Armitage was prepared to start begging if he had to. "Alright Armie... alright." Kylo said, slipping out his two fingers. Though he kept Armitage open for him using the force to try hard not to cause discomfort. He then positioned himself with his cock at Armitage's entrance, once again pouring lube into his hand. He stroked himself a few times, groaning at the bit of relief he found from focusing on Armitage's pleasure and not himself. "Remember, I've got you. You can stop me anytime you need." Kylo said, starting to nudge his way inside of Armitage.

The other man nodded and grasped at the silken black sheets on the bed. Two fingers were definitely not enough to get him ready for Kylo but he didn't care. The absolute fullness he felt as Kylo was seated inside him sent white hot desire up his spine. Kylo found that he had been holding his breath once he was all the way inside of his lover. He panted and it took all of his will not to just start thrusting with abandon into the tight, velvety heat that was Armitage. "Is it alright if i-"

"Yes! Start moving!" Armitage gasped out, screwing his eyes shut and turning away as he usually did. "No no. Look at me Armitage. Focus on me." Kylo corrected, biting his lip. Armitage nodded and locked eyes with him as he began to drive his thick cock in and out of his ass. He watched as rivets of sweat had already begun to drip from Kylo's hair and face down the rest of his body. It was mesmerizing to watch his muscles flex in strain during their love making. It sent a wave of pleasure through his core, already feeling himself grow close to climaxing.

"Kylo I'm sorry! I-I don't... I don't think I am going to be able to last... Oh god its been so long!" He finished, moaning with fervor. Kylo smirked and bent over his lover. "Neither will I Armitage. It is alright. Let go for me. Let go." He huskily whispered into his ear before biting the shell. Armitage cried out as he felt his cock throb. "Armitage, come." Kylo whispered again before moving to bite at the general's lower lip, pulling slightly. And as he did, Armitage pushed his hips down, forcing Kylo deeper within him as he spilt his release between their bodies. "Mmm yes, so good for me Armie." He said with a grunt. His own thrust becoming erratic now.

Armitage grew tighter around him with his orgasm, it was going to be Kylo's undoing. He slammed inside a few more times before he came within Armitage, gripping him tightly by the hips to hold himself deep. "Fuck Armitage... I love you." He said between deep breaths. He took a moment to come back to himself before pulling out and wrapping Armitage up in his arms. "Do you still want to go get ready for work?" He asked, the hint of a laugh escaping his lips. "The hell do you think Ren?" 

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