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Author's note: Hello everyone. This is my fan killing game, THR. I've been hesitant on posting this, and it'll be pretty garbage, but I hope you enjoy anyways!

Any thoughts made by the protagonist and [unknown] are Italicized! Please keep that in mind while reading!

You wake up in a strange room, desks upside down everywhere. Floating around are tiny bear heads. You touch one in curiosity. Just as you do, it silent explodes jnto tiny black and white confetti pieces. This intrigues you, making you pop another one, just for fun. The goes another one, and another. The heads feel like their made of soft rubber before they explode. The confetti on the other hand, feels like sprinkles. You're tempted to eat it but know better, so you let it float away from your hands.
"This feels just like a dream." You say, your voice having no distinct sound or vibration. It felt like you weren't even talking, like someone else was. You hear a faint voice, it sounded like it came from someone behind you. But you're the only one in the room.

"Hey, Wake up!"

The voice sounds terribly close to you, you t start to sweat before looking around trying to figure out who had just said it. Just like before,  you're the only one in the room.
"I'm fine, it's just a hallucination." You say this to yourself, starting to regain calmness and comfort. Too bad it didn't last for long, as you started to fall, just like someone had turned on gravity once again.
You wake up to find yourself in a car, pulling up to one of Japan's most elite school's, Hope's Peak Academy.

Welcome to class 79!

Ah. Hope's Peak, known to be one of Japan's most greatest schools. It's kinda shocking how a dumb tailor like me made it into such an elite school like this one. After all, aren't there much more better talents than someone who makes clothes? For example: a Ribbon Dancer, a Detective, a Graffiti Artist, or even a Pilot! Then again, my parents are pretty much the ones who forced me to learn this dumb talent. They even forced me to make clothes for my family so they wouldn’t have to go out and buy clothes themselves. They’d just have to go through the trouble of buying material and supplies if I needed it. Before I could day dream anymore, the car came to a screeching halt.

 “Jesus Shiro, at least try to look happy on your first day! Not everyone is wanting to make friends with someone who looks like they just left their parent’s funeral.” Hanika, my older sister, had been the one to give me her horrible motherly advice while screeching on the breaks. This was normal. Even her tight tough on the buns on my hair was normal, I even stopped flinching a couple months ago. What a great accomplishment!
“You’re right as rain, Hanika. Clear as water, right like always.” I said agreeingly, just to boost her ego like it wasn't high enough.
 “Wow, we’re not even 2 minutes away from the Academy and you’re already getting salty with me! You won't get to see me for a full 3 terms! Isn't that depressing or what?” She made a frown.
 “Oh no, whatever will I do?! Such a tragedy that I won't see my dear sister for over 10 months!” I rolled my eyes.

 I opened the door and felt a strong push. Though it was Hanika being impatient to get all lovey dovey with her fiancé. Or as I should say, my dumb soon-to-be brother-in-law. I caught my footing and made my way out of the car without tripping for once. For good measures I decided to stick my tongue out and wave goodbye to Hanika.
Hanika glared at me before driving away from the school. Though she probably felt relieved to finally see me go. I know my parents did, they even went out and bought another bottle of wine for celebration of me leaving. What great parents!
 I noticed loads of students scurry and walk into the building. The scenery looked so average and typical. Just before heading into the school,  I started to feel drowsy. My legs like they had weights tied to them. Eventually, my eyelids gave up from trying to stay open, and down I went.


When I woke up, I found myself sitting in a desk in the middle of an empty classroom. After a few minutes I heard footsteps, then someone talking before trying to open the door. Maybe it was a classmate who was in the same position as me? I looked at the jangling doorknob to notice it locked. Clearly someone was trying to open the door, but was too dumb to realize the door was locked.

“Is anybody even in here? If you are, please open the door!” The stranger’s voice called out, it sounded masculine and pretty soft, kinda of like the person has never yelled or screamed in their life.
“You idiot! Just use the backdoor! It's always unlocked!” I heard a second voice, though this one sounded louder and higher. It kinda gave me a headache.

There was a loud noise before the back classroom door before the door opened to reveal a short, mint haired boy, and an even shorter girl with a hat covering her eyes. Even though her hat was covering most of her face, she still managed to see me and smile. As she walked in, a taller, more pale-ish boy came walking in behind her, he also smiled, shyly waving and turning himself to the girl.

“I knew someone was in here! I know definitely heard that loud thud!” The boy spoke, his voice still soft as before.
“Yeah, Yeah, whatever.” The girl sighed, shaking her head in embarrassment. She turned to me, smiling again before formally bowing.
“I’m Onomik Sakurai, SHSL Lady in Waiting! Don’t refer to me with my first name. Only people who I trust can call me Sakurai!” She smiled, bowing once again.

Onomik smiled proudly before elbowing the boy in the side, signaling him that it's his turn to speak. He jumped a bit, turning to me and holding his hands behind his back.

“Huh? Oh sorry, I’m Yurei Sasayaki, SHSL Ghost Whisperer. It's nice to meet you.” Yurei looked even more pale than before, but he weakly smiled.

“Onomik, can we leave now? I already grabbed what I needed-” Yurei looked impatient, but not as impatient as Onomik, who cut him off.
“Shut it Yurei! She hasn't introduced herself yet!” Onomik flicked Yurei, then nodded at me. It was like she was in charge of who got to say what right now.. That's going to get old very quick.
“Right.. I’m Shiro Momoka, SHSL Tailor.” I nodded at them, politely bowing and fixing my skirt right after.

Onomik looked me up and down before elbowing Yurei once more and giving me a weird look. I didn’t think much of it until she decided to say something about my name. Of course my name is weird. It’s not like her’s is any more different, Onomik’s name is just Kimono backwards.

“Shiro? But isn't that a guy’s name? Are you some kind of transgender?” Onomik crossed her arms, Yurei stared at her in confusion. I guess we were thinking the same thing. I shook my head and sighed.
“No, not at all. I’m 100% female.” I smiled, hoping she would walk away and take Yurei with her.

Yurei smiled at me before dragging Onomik out of classroom. I think I’m starting to like him after he finally shooed her away. Though the thought of him coming into grabbing something and never grabbing something made me wonder. Why did he come in here in the first place? Or was it Onomik’s idea to come here?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2018 ⏰

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