Chapter 1

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A quick glance at my phone told me it was four in the morning; not the best time to wake up while on the road. The bus slowed down a bit, but picked up speed again. At that time, I was carefully drifting back to sleep, thinking I couldn't afford to be tired in a few hours when we got to the venue.


"Pst. Wake up."

I ignored the voice and turned in my sleep, facing away from whoever decided to interrupt my dream. I was waiting for the intruder to slide my bunk curtains shut again and let me get some more of the rest I desperately needed. That night was a restless and sleepless one, I kept waking every hour.

I'm not used to being on the road with the guys and their crew. I never found it comfortable to be squished in a small bunk at the back of a tour bus. I thought it would be hard practically living in a vehicle for a month. I was right.. although I must say, it's worth it.

Keeping my eyes closed, I tried to reach under my pillow for my iPod. My fingers came in contact with the cold metallic surface as I felt around for the 'Play' button. The intro to Porcelain sounding through my headphones was the sign I took to mean I was successful. I tried, hopefully, to get back to sleep then.

They ask me: "Don't you ever get tired of listening to their songs?"

If it's the songs that we're talking about, I wouldn't say no to hearing a different song from a different band once in a while. But it's his voice I listen to.. not the song. It's not the same thing. The way his voice has that certain charm that can get me hooked, even if he's talking about nonsense... How you can hear the confidence in his voice when he's onstage.. The sound of his voice when he's singing to you, and you alone. It's magical.

No, I'm not talking about the lead singer.. He gets enough love and attention as it is. Not that there's any problem with that, it's understandable how, in a band, it's usually the frontman who's well-known. And I know that if there was a way to make the fans love every member equally, Josh would have done it already.

Matt and Mike, on the other hand, only get credits as lead guitarist and bassist, respectively. Ian gets all the drummer love, and they're all back-up vocals. They're amazing together, there's no denying that. What other people don't know is that they can do well even going solo.

I don't know how long I was out, but I was only jerked awake by Ian's shouts of victory coming from the back lounge. Mike's disappointed groans confirmed my suspicions that they were, indeed, playing Halo. A soft knock on the thin wooden wall separating my bunk from the others' was what told me to get my butt off the bed and that it was time to get up.

Another knock. More urgent this time.

"I'm up," I yawned. "I'm up. I'll be out in a sec."

I slid the curtains open, only to be confronted with Josh sticking his tongue out at me, making the top half of his tongue ring visible to me. And when you wake up to this, you can't blame me for what I did next.

"Ugh, Josh," I groaned, pushing his face away slightly as I got up. "I'm afraid I can't say that your face is the best thing to wake up to."

I was kidding, of course. Some people would do anything to wake up and see Josh Ramsay's face the first thing in the morning. I would too, maybe.. If I didn't know that Matt existed.

As I headed to the back lounge after doing everything that I needed to, Josh tried to run in front of me, grabbing my wrist on the way and pulling me in after him. He was hyper, what's new? I couldn't help but laugh as he almost shut the door in Matt's face, who was right behind us the whole time.

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