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Killua’s POV

“Are you a baka, Gon?! There’s no way your plan would work!”

I said. Gosh! Sometimes Gon makes the craziest ideas. He looked at me with a determined face, “It’s a 50/50 chance!” I rolled my eyes, ”Fine.” Then I sensed something. As if we were being looked at. I went into my alert mode as I quickly turned to my right. And there I saw, a girl gazing at me smiling. I widened my eyes. Could it be? She grinned widely as she waved her hand at me ,”Killua!” I grinned as well,”(y/n)!”

She walked up the stairs and she spread her arms, “We meet again!”  I smiled with delight, “Yup!”

Gon’s POV

I just stared at those two happily talking. What just happened here? We were just having a fight until everything went happy-go-lucky. And wait, Killua doesn’t even know this girl! Why would he be talking to a stranger! Killua please! That is, until the stranger looked at me, “Oh! Who’s this cute boy?” The both of them just stared at me. I felt four eyes watching me. It was so embarrassing! Instead of blushing, I shook my head and put on my best smile, “Ore wa, Gon Freecs! Nice to meet you…?” She smiled at me, “ (y/n) (l/n). Nice to meet you, Gon-kun!”

My eyes widened as I heard the word “-kun” It’s the first time a stranger… no a friend ever said that to me! I was squealing in my mind. A girl called me an honorific! I’m so flattered! I blushed a little, but to hide it, I changed the subject, “Ne Killua, how did you and (y/n) meet?” Killua finally spoke, “Well, We got bumped in an alley. I was supposed to speak to her but then she just ran away crying. I forgot about her afterwards. Then months passed by, I was supposed to take the Hunter exam when I decided to get a drink first. So I got a milkshake and sat on her table without her permission. That’s how we met!”

I looked at him with a curious face, “Oh…” Then I smirked, “You like her, don’t you?” (y/n) and Killua both stuttered, “N-No!” Then I smirked some more, “Oh yeah? You keep on screaming her name, ‘(y/n)! Don’t leave me!’ while-“ I was interrupted by a hand covering my mouth. Killua glared at me, “Shut it, Gon!” Then he uncovered my mouth. I was now thinking about what I was about to say. Thanks to Killua. His hands smell like chocolate that the words formed on my mind became muffled. Until a new word appeared, “But it’s the truth!” Then a hand covered my hand again. Oh boy… Killua’s chocolate hands again, “Would you shut up, Gon! You shouldn’t blurt out my secrets.” 

Then I smirked again, “Your secrets?” Then he continuously poked my head…HARD, “Shut.Up.Gon.” Then, we were both interrupted by a phone ring. We both looked at (y/n).

Your POV

I was interrupted by a vibration on my pocket. Then it started to ring. Klllua and Gon just stared at me, I quickly got and it and answered, “Moshi moshi.” Then, a boys voice was on the phone… my aniki? He gladly spoke, “(y/n)! How are you there?” I smiled, “I’m fine. Why did you call, onii-chan?” He laughed, “I called because I have to tell you something.” Then, my voice became stern, “What is it?” He giggled, “I just saw Kurapika now! He’s more matured than before! He now wears one earring. Is that awesome?!” My eyes widened as I yelled, “You saw Kurapika-kun?! That’s great!!!” Then I heard a voice behind. It must be Kurapika. I smiled at the distance. His voice… more serious than before. Then my aniki spoke, “Gomene, (y/n). I have to go. The job’s going to start. See you later!” Then he hung up. I just smiled at the screen. Then I faced the two little balls of mischief smirking at me,

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