Chapter One.

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We all have a story to tell in life, and just like any good tale should, it will make you smile, laugh, cry and just might anger you beyond belief... but unlike the books in libraries and stores, ours are not limited to the confines of paper and ink as they continue every day.

This is mine.

My story began on August 8th 1999, in Feldkirch, Austria, to a mother and a father whose names I do not know.

What I do know, however, is that they both chose substances over their own child. It is for that exact reason that they gave me up for adoption as soon as I was born. I lived in a slightly run down, but still habitable orphanage until I was 7, that's when my parents adopted me and brought me to America.

I would tell you about how my experience at that orphanage was, but quite frankly I don't remember much about it besides the fact that it oddly always smelled of paint even though the walls looked like a brush hadn't touched them in 30 years, and that I always looked forward to Saturdays.

On Saturdays one of the volunteers, whose name I cannot remember, would take all 9 of us kids out for ice cream and sometimes she would buy us new shoes, pants or the worker people said we needed. I wonder how that lady is doing now, she was very old at the time, and that was way over 10 years ago.

Once I got to America, it was not an easy adjustment. English was hard to learn, but has since became my language of choice. I guess that hard things are just part of life, and some of us have more of them than others, but regardless we all have our battles. 

On the subject of things that are not easy, at age 9 I was diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis.

This occurred after my parents noticed that I ate tons but was thin as a rail, and could never seem to catch my breath very well even if the activity i was doing was not strenuous.

Soon my life consisted of treatments, sickness, hospitals, and overwhelming anxiety over all of it. By age 14 I was on a strong anti-anxiety medicine along with the countless others I have to take for my CF just to stay alive. The many medicines do help, but they don't eliminate all my flares and hospital stays.

Although on one of my hospital visits I met my everything, Lanie. Besides being my best friend, she is also my fiancee. We started dating on November 17, 2014, and got engaged on March 8th 2017. She has helped and supported me through so much, and I am so very grateful for her.

Tomorrow we have to travel up to Atlanta for a meeting with my pulminologist (lung doctor) for the results of an x-ray I had last week. Thankfully, it isn't too awful long of a drive, and spoons and weather permitting, Lanie and I will be meeting up with some friends afterwards for lunch.

On the topic of spoons, today has been an okay day with a pretty good amount of them. Woke up this morning feeling not so hot in the blood sugar department, but after treating that it was a good rest of the day.

Well, I am not too sure what to say next so I guess I'll start wrapping things up for the night.

This has been my story up until now, and from now on I am going to share in my journey with you all, if anyone chooses to read my not-so-dull-but-still-kinda-boring life!

Until Next Time,
Taylor Kane.

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