Once Upon a Time

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Once upon a time:

There was a Princesses,

Who liked to ask questions.

She would just keep asking them.

Why is the sky blue?

Why are Daisy's white and yellow?

What is that?

How does it work?

She loved her parents,

And they loved her.

Once upon a time:

There was a Princess,

Who liked to ask questions.

But she was told not to wonder.

Why? Why? Why?  Why?

Are you doing this?

Can't I do this?

Do you keep saying that?

She loved her parents,

But there's only so much time in a day.

Once upon a time: 

There was a Princess,

Who didn't like to ask questions. 

She didn't dare to challenge what was.

Be quiet! Be quiet! Be quiet!

Close your mouth, bite your tongue!

Please don't think like that!

Why? Why? Why? Why? Why?

And she loved her parents,

But she didn't know if they loved her.

Once upon a time:

There was a Princess,

Who liked to lie,

She wove pretty webs.

Yes, I did that!

I don't know.

Of course, I know that!

I love you too.

And she couldn't love her parents

Because they didn't love her.

Once upon a time: 

There was a Queen,

Who liked to hurt people

Because that's all that ever happened to her.

You'll never be enough!

No one will care!

You nothing!

You should just die!

And she missed her mommy and daddy,

But they were dead too.

So this ones pretty long. I'm really proud of it and some feed back would be nice! Thank you for reading! Hope you enjoyed, if you didn't tell me why! Have a nice day and night!

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