Chapter 7: A Meeting of Sorts

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3rd Person (because I find myself being better at it)

A ender-hybrid stands on the roof of his home. He looks out the the horizon, contemplating his most recent achievement. He went back the Red Keep, and killed the cult leader. Without a leader, the cult was sucked into a power vacuum and killed each other to find a leader. Unfortunately for them, the Resistance swooped in and took over. He was the unsung hero and, personally, he preferred it that way. Over the past two years, Drake became a hardened killer. He was physically stronger than before and his magic was mostly likely second to none. He had a bit more money than he needed and, what's more, he took pride that he was making a difference, even if it went unnoticed or unappreciated. 

The only thing that's saddened him was that he was no closer to finding the ones he cared about. He figured staying in one spot would make it easier for people to find him, but it made him sadder everyday knowing that Grayson and Mia were nowhere to be found. He tried once or twice to venture out and locate them but when people see his face, they seem... afraid. Of what, he does not know and he truly does not care. He knows the truth of who he is. "They can shun me all they want. All that matters are my friends." He thinks to himself. No one approaches him but he doesn't let it break his stride.

Drake's new job has also brought on some new mysteries. The Empire seems to be losing ground but word in the underground right now is that the Emperor is planning to strike the Resistance with a powerful weapon, not seen in centuries. Another topic of discuss is this menacing figure in black who seems to be searching for someone. They don't have any love for Imperial troops but they've attacked rebel soldiers as well. What's even stranger about this for is the type of weapon they use. Bodies have been sliced to pieces but there have been ones with scorch marks, ice crystals, even some with their hairs on end. Just who was this person and who the hell is so important that a bloody path is carved towards them. Drake prays that it's no his friends but a dark thought in the back of his mind is being an asshole.

Then, Drake feels a presence he hasn't felt in a while. The Outsider, "visiting" from the Void. "I've noticed that you've made a name for yourself. Out in the world, where words pass and are bent like hot metal.", the black-eyed god said, in his normal, monotone voice. "Haphazardly spoken, badly listed, poorly remembered. By some accounts, you're the one who saved the Red Keep from people who would sacrifice each other to a god that does not care for them. By others, you're the one who ends lives for the sake of money and furthering a hidden, but poor, agenda.", the leviathan spoke. Drake's brow furrowed at that last comment, but the Outsider kept talking. "History is made by these words and they'll dictate your legacy, but you'll always know the truth, right? Your truth, anyway.", he finished. Drake simply pointed to the edge of the roof in reply, a show that the deity was overstepping his bounds. The last two years have been strange in regards to the relationship between Drake and the Outsider. At first, Drake was appreciating the figure for access to new powers and training he probably wouldn't receive elsewhere. Then, there was that one night where the Outsider brought up the topic of Drake's possible feelings for his elven friend, Mia. Ever since that night, Drake has slowly began to distrust the leviathan, as he didn't want him probing his mind for secrets and desires that he thought would be better left to his subconscious. 

The Outsider took the hint and left, in a dramatic sense of falling off the ledge. Drake simply rolled his eyes in response. He teleported back into his room and sat on the bed, looking to the wall for contemplation. He had all of his contracts' wanted posters pinned to the wall and he had ones of Grayson and Mia. Similar to some TV shows from his time, he had many strings connecting certain notes and clues to Grayson and Mia's whereabouts, most of which were on the floor either ripped to pieces or crossed out. "It's always one step forward, two steps back. Where the hell are you guys?". Getting up from the bed, he walked to the wall, before punching the string theory board in frustration. Hearing a clatter, Drake turned to find that the chalice and marque that his friends had given him had fallen to the floor. He bent down and put the marque back on the desk, but as he reached for the chalice, he felt two strong magical signatures. And they were getting closer. Drake hurriedly put the chalice down on the desk and grabbed his mask. Whoever these two were, they were no mere tourists. 

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