Eternity With You

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Hey I just thought it would be fun making a werewolf story so here you go!(:

Please tell me what you think and if I should continue the story! I dont want to continue something that no one is going to read.... THANKS! post in a comment if you think i should! please dont forget to vote also if you like it!

Pictures to the right are of the main character Alexandria!!! ----->>>


“Drop and give me one hundred push-ups.”

“Ugh I just did one hundred, give me something more challenging!” I whined, placing my hands on my hips.

“Fine what do you suggest?” Chandler asked, clearly irritated that I didn’t like his training routine. I loved making my dear brother mad, his face gets all red. I myself love my twin… we may not look alike but we sure do act the same.

“I don’t know! You’re my trainer; you should be making this go along with my training!”

“Alex you don’t make this any easier on me… compromise here!” He whined back, making him look like a little kid. A few girls walked by at that every moment and gave him the “what the hell” look.

I couldn’t help but laugh as he finally noticed them staring at him. “You… should… have seen… their faces,” I said through my failing attempts to catch my breath. “Oh my goodness, that was too funny! Do it again.”

“I will show you something funny,” Chandler growled before shifting into his large brown wolf. He was not that much bigger than me, but I could still beat him in a fight. I was known to be the toughest wolf around. He slowly began to make his way toward me which gave me enough time to shift.

I shifted into my jet black wolf form and waited for his attack. I saw his paws shift back and forward which instantly gave him away. He shifted back onto his left side and darted to my left. I was prepared for his attack and quickly jumped in the air, landing square on his back. “Gotcha,” I yelled through our mind link causing him to let out a low growl. “Rule number one my dear brother, never shift back and forward on your paws… it gives your attack away.”

“Whatever you big shot, from what I hear dad is trying to find you,” He said quickly.

I stiffened and let my guard down just as Chandler shot out from underneath me. I landed on my side with a loud oomph noise and felt the weight of Chandler’s pounce. “Hey you cheated!”

“Rule number two my dear sister… Never! get distracted,” he chuckled, giving me his goofy wolf smile.

I twisted under his paws till he lost balance and started to fall on me. Our quick wolf reflexes helped me turn onto my back and throw him off with all my strength. He went flying across the yard and landed letting out a low whimper. I shot to my paws and crouched into a playful stance. He noticed this and mocked my stance. I growled and jumped towards him, only to pull back suddenly when a scent flew into my nose. I knew every sent in this pack, well because it’s my pack and I am the alpha’s daughter.

“Alex what is it?” Chandler asked finally reacting to my sudden stiffness and loss of playfulness. He walked to stand next to me, letting our fur brush in comfort. Chandler was a good brother and I wouldn’t be who I was today if it wasn’t for him.

“Chandler go get father… I think we have an unwelcomed visitor in our territory.”

Chandler shot off towards the house leaving me behind. I began to run in the direction of the scent and soon noticed it getting stronger at our border. I slowed my pace till I saw a tan patch of fur walking a little further into our territory. Fear and curiosity radiated off of this wolf as he slowly made his way. I jumped out of my hiding spot, startling the trespasser. “Get off my land,” I growled in a warning.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2012 ⏰

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