Chapter Five

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||Kate's POV||

I can't believe Lee thinks he has the right to treat Ella that way. All because she doesn't want his slutty and bitchy girlfriend round. He really needs to grow a pair and grow up.

When Lee left, George left. I feel so bad for him. I mean Lee barely even knows him and he doesn't need to know every single person Elle encounters in her life. Mel and Shawn ran after George while Reece, and Blake stayed. I don't mind having them here but there's something about Reece that I'm attracted to, but I don't know what.

"Hey Reece right?"

He looks up at me, confused?

Well I've fucked this up.

"Yah I'm Reece. You are?"

"I'm Kate, I'm one of Elle's friends"

I give him a smile which he returned. God his smile.

"Yah I know. Thanks for doing what you did that back"

"You meant standing up for Elle and George?"

"Yah that. Thank you"

"You don't need to thank me. Lee is a dick and he's acting like this over something stupid"


"Elle doesn't want his girlfriend Chloe round and they argued this morning about it. Chloe hates us all, every look she gives is a death stare"

Reece let's out a small laugh. I let out a small laugh too. I mean it's funny why Lee is acting like this.

"I understand. Oh god"

I turn around and see Lee blocking George's way. I get up and tap Elle on the shoulder, we both walk over to Lee.

"You better stay away from my sister. She is way out of your league"

George looks heartbroken.

"Lee what the fuck. You can't choose I can be with"

"Yes I can Elle"

"Lee you can't"

"Stay out of this Kate"

There's no way I'm letting one of my best friends be treated like this.

"Just shut the fuck up. George is my friend, get over it. If I have to put up with Chloe then you can put up with George. You know I'll win this Lee"

"No you won't you bitch"

"Don't you dare call her bitch"

"I can call her what I want Kate"

"You're a nasty little virgin Lee. With a very small penis"

Lee and Elle are right in each other's faces. There's a circle of out friends around us, George looks at me confused.


Oh just fucking great. Chloe is here. As if this can't get any worse.

"What Chloe?"

"You can't talk to him like that"

"Are forgetting something Chloe. He's my brother, I can say what I like to him"

"Over my dead body"

One of Lee's friends, Marty walks over and grabs Lee's shoulder. I stare him dead in the eye.

"Lee leave it"

"Why? So Elle can bully me whenever she likes"

"Oh my god. You think I'm bullying you? Are you out of your mind"

"Lee you should listen to your friend. You ever come near Elle, George or any of us. You'll be sorry."

Lee scoffs and walks away. We totally owed him. I turned to Reece and he looks pissed off.

"Reece what's wrong?"


"Your face says different. Tell me what's wrong"

He walks away. I follow him.

||Nela's POV||

Blake is sat next to me. I repeat Blake is  sat next me. I mean I've liked Blake for a while but I know he's not interested in me at all. Why? Because I'm popular and unfortunately I know Lee. That's why I know Blake isn't interested in me.



"Hey Blake"

Well this is awkward. Everyone is busy chatting away, well apart from Elle who's on her phone. I regret not speaking to Lee for her. He's a massive dick who needs sorting out.

"I was wondering if you wanted to go out sometime?"

Did I just hear that correctly? Blake wants to go out sometime with me.


"It isn't a date. Only if you want it to"

"Yah it can be a date"

When I did become so confident in speaking to Blake? I've never had the guts to speak to him.

"You sure?"

"Yes I'm sure"

I see him blush. He's cute when he blushes.

I was about to ask Blake if he wanted to hang out again tomorrow but I didn't have the chance. I can hear Lee and Elle arguing again with Kate. I get up with Blake and walk over to them. It's pretty heated. It didn't last long and Lee looked so pissed off but who cares? He deserved it.

"Nela I'm sorry but I have to go after Reece. I'll see you later?"

"Blake wait. Here's my number"

I give him my number before he chases after Reece, Kate follows while Elle is speaking to George.

"Elle are you Ok?"

I know it was a stupid question as she didn't look ok nor does George. Sammie, Bonnie and Lucy are with me.

"I'm no ok Nela but I will be. I'm sorry George, I understand if you don't want to work together"

George gives Elle a hug. They look so cute together.

"It's not your fault Elle. I still want to work with you. Also did you mean what you said? About me coming over to yours today?"

I see Elle blush. I think someone has a crush. I look at the girls and they all see it too. We all smile. Elle looks at us and we nod our head of course we want George and his friends there.

"Yah I did. Meet us after school?"

"Yah sure. I've got to go see you later"


We run over to Elle and squel. This is amazing, because we get to piss off Lee and have a free drama show, and we're having the guys plus Mel over. Which is will be amazing.

"You so like him"

"No I don't Sammie"

"Elle you do"

"Lucy I don't"

"Come one Elle you so do"

"It's obvious El"

"Bonnie no it's not"

"Elle you blushed and it looks like he really likes you too. I mean he hugged you"

"Guys he doesn't like me and I don't like him. We're just friends"

We have a little group hug and agree with Elle that her and George are just friends. I see, well we all see Kate walk over in tears.

A/N here's chapter six. I hope you all are enjoying this book so far. Here's a little more drama. I will make drama happen once everyone is together. Don't forget to vote, comment and share

-Sasha x 

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