love or heartbreak.

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It was about three months after Levi had begun hanging out with delilah almost everyday. They were both growing, and they were both strong. They had also began taking walks in the forest together.

The thoughts going through levi's head were starting to drive him a bit crazy. He was constantly trying to get his head around what he was feeling for Delilah. The next morning the two were play fighting, and Delilah tricked Levi and pinned him. Their eyes made contact and they both froze.

Delilah's smiled faded, and a blush went across her face. She then smiled and growled playfully. "Got ya!" She grinned.
"yea yea. I still won the last round."Levi rolled his eyes. "that's still 3 to 15." Delilah smirked. Levi growled and pushed Delilah off of him. He groaned and looked away from delilah, he rolled his eyes.

He walked over to Delilah and he was going to tell her how he felt. They were both almost old enough to leave the pack, so it seemed like a good idea. He sat down in front of delilah, and took a breath. "Delilah... You see.. I uh... I li-" he was cut off. "yo delilah! Good to see ya!" A wolf known as shadow, came over and began talking to delilah. Shadow was a jet black wolf, with red eyes and a torn ear.

Delilah blushed and smiled at shadow, "hehe, hey shadow." Delilah said playfully.
"look I wanna take you for a walk." Shadow smirked. "ok sounds good." She blushed again, completely ignoring her friend. She then turned "hold on shadow." She turned to Levi " hey levi, you were saying something? " she asked. Levi put his ears down, "forget it. I'm not the object of your attention." He deeply growled. Delilah put her ears down and began walking with shadow. Levi didn't bother to do anything that night, not even eat.

The next week, Delilah and Levi didn't even bother to talk to each other. Levi watched Delilah and shadow walk around each other everyday. Levi had begun to get jealous.
He growled and walked over to where Delilah and shadow went. His eyes went a bit wide, and his ears flattened down to the sides of his head, he had begun to tear up. He saw the two getting ready to howl together, this usually symbolizes that they are mates.

Levi looked down, his fur hiding his eyes, leaving only a visible shadow on his face. "How stupid can you be delilah. Your so blind to the one you are desperate you, when he will only use you. You can't see that the one who loves you is right in front of you." Levi the growled deeply. " why don't you use your eyes and look for once, pay attention to the things around you." Levi kept his head down. "Wha..? What do you mean...?" Delilah asked and tilted her head. Levi gave no answer, he just growled.
Shadow smirked "let's her out of here delilah. Get away from this idiot." He said as he began to push Delilah. "H-hey! Wait a minute!" Delilah shouted. "I said let's go! Why don't you listen for once you little pest!" Shadow growled. Levi stood there, he had begun to tremble. He snarled deeply and lunged towards shadow. Levi clawed at shadows chest and bit into his snout, causing blood draw. Shadow striked, clawing open levi's stomach, leaving a small 3 inch slice, it had begun gushing blood.

Delilah stood there frozen. She didn't know that something like an outsider wolf would cause levi, a kind and gentle hybrid, to do something like this. He was vicious. Levi snarled and kept clawing shadow, shadow took at least three strikes, and it caused a large amount of damage to levis body. Levi backed up, his body was shaking. "Fine..." Levi groaned. " Ill leave.. And you won't have to worry about me coming back. Ever. But you better treat Delilah like a princess. Because she deserves it." Levi began walking away.

Delilah stood there staring as Levi as he disappeared into the shadows of the trees in the forest. Delilah put her ears down and sighed. She then began walking in the opposite direction with shadow. Levi arrived home and lied on the rock platform as he stared into the gorge and watched the rushing river. He didn't really want to be around anymore.

~Sorry for not publishing a lot. I'm not going to be getting my devices after school or on weekends for a while, so I won't be able to publish as much as I want. Sorry everyone.~

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2018 ⏰

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