Movie Night and long talks..

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This is one is more about the Castle family and not just Caskett. I hope you like it! Enjoy.

Today the Castle family has decided to have a movie night. Martha, Alexis, Kate and Rick are having dinner which Rick has made.
At first Martha wanted to cook but Castle said if they don't want to be sick the next day, he will make dinner. Martha was a bit sad but soon was okay with it.
They are sitting at the table and talking about everything: Marthas acting, Kates work, Ricks writing and how Alexis likes College.

"Dinner is delicious dad." Alexis says before she continues to eat her spaghetti.
"I agree, darling. If you wouldn't have become a writer you would make an excellent cook." Martha agrees and sips on her wine.
"Oh yes he would." Kate says and reaches for Castles hand. "But if he wouldn't have become a writer, we would have never met each other." Rick squeezes Kates hand and smiles before he responds: "Of course we would have met. Do you know why?" Kate shakes her head 'no'. "Because we are soulmates and soulmates always find each other." He grins at his answer.
Kate smiles and says: "So cheesy.. like always Castle."

After dinner Alexis and Martha are searching a movie which they can watch, while Kate and Rick are doing the dishes.
"You are right." Kate says, breaking the silence. "Huh?" Castle asks with raised eyebrows. "You're right. We probably would have met because you would have done something bad and I would have arrested you." Kate smirks.
"Probably .. but it would definetly be a pleasure to be arrested by you Detective." Rick answers in a teasing tone. He moves closer and let their lips touch in a sweet and gentle kiss.

While the lovebirds are making out in the kitchen, Martha and Alexis are watching them.
"They are so cute." Alexis finds herself saying and smiles. Martha smiles too. "Oh yes they are. I think Katherine is the one.. they really have found each other."
Alexis agrees. "Yes. You know it's love by the way they look at each other and how they can't keep their hands by theirself... I wanna have something like they have." she says and sounds a bit sad. "Oh Alexis. You will find that. You're so young. You have plenty of time to find 'the one'. I mean look at these two. It took four years until they finally said each other how they feel.. now they are together for nearly two years and Richard hasn't asked her to marry her yet. They both know they love each other and are happy to be together but I have the feeling that Richard will ask her soon." Martha says and hugs her granddaughter. Alexis smiles. "I hope he will do it soon. I would love to have Kate as my stepmom." "I think you should tell him that. He will be happy.. He probably is still insecure if you're okay with the two of them dating." Martha says and Alexis nods. "Okay. I will grams. He should know that I see Kate like a mother. I wanna ask Kate if I can call her mom.. Do you think that's weird?"
"Of course it is not! I can totally understand that. You should ask her tonight. I'm sure she will be happy. And know .. psst.. the two lovebirds are coming. They shouldn't know we're talking about them." Martha warns.

When the four of them are sitting on the couch with blankets, lots of pillows and snacks, the film starts.
Kate and Rick are cuddled together on the big couch and Alexis and Martha are sitting on the smaller couch.
The first movie they are watching is 'The parent trap'. Alexis knows that Kate loves that movie. That's why she chose it.
After half an hour Rick goes to the bathroom. Martha slaps her granddaughter lightly on the arm to signalise that she should ask Kate now.
Alexis takes a deep breath and then asks nervous: Eh.. Kate? Can I ask you something" Kate smiles. "Of course Alexis. What's up?" "I wanted to ask you if I can call you 'mom' ..?" Alexis asks quickly.

Right when Alexis asks Kate, Castle comes out of the bathroom.. He is shocked and stands still to not interrupt them. He never thought that Alexis wants to call Kate 'mom' but he is happy about that. That means that Alexis loves Kate. He smiles.

Kate is shocked. She hasn't expected that Alexis would ask something like that. She loves Alexis like her own daughter. So that means that she should say yes, right?
"Yes. Of course you can. I would love that." She answers with a warm smile.
Alexis grins: "Really?" She asks and Kate nods. Alexis stands up and hugs Kate. "Wow! Thank you.. mom!"
Kate feels something that she has never felt before when Alexis says 'mom'. It's love. But it's not the kind of love she feels with Rick.. It's different. She feels like a mother now. Nobody has called her 'mom'.. ever! She is happy.
"I should thank you lex." Kate says happily. Alexis smiles and returns to her seat next to Martha.
Seconds later Rick comes back from the bathroom and Kate immediately snuggles back into his side.

When the first movie is finished, Martha stands up and says: "I'm going to bed. Good Night kiddos. And thank you for this lovely evening." The three of them say Good Night and Martha heads to her bedroom and leaves Alexis alone at the couch.
Kate thinks it's stupid to let Alexis sit alone on the couch. So she asks: "Hey Alexis? Do you wanna sit with us on the big couch? Here is enough space for the three of us." Rick smiles at his girlfriend and agrees. "Yeah pumpkin. Come sit with us." Alexis smiles and nods. She takes her blanket and sits next to Kate.
At first Alexis thinks it's weird but after a while she snuggles into Kates side. Kate smiles and looks at the redhead next to her and then continues to watch the movie.

Half way trough the movie, Rick notices that Alexis is asleep, snuggled into Kates side. He starts to play with Kates curls which makes her look up to him smiling.
"You know.. Alexis never falls asleep while watching a movie. Except if she's cuddling with me.. and now with you."
Kate smiles wider and starts to play with her read hair. "When you were in the bathroom, Alexis asks me if she can call me 'mom'." "Really?!" He asks and fakes being surprised. Kate shakes her head. "You watched us. Am I right?" She asks.
"Me? Nooo! I would never watch you!" Rick lies but can't stop smiling. "Keep telling yourself that you never watch me." Kate says smirking.
"I'm sorry. I was walking out of the bathroom when I heard her asking you. But I didn't want to interrupt you." He defended. Kate smiles and moves a bit higher to give him a quick kiss. "You know that you can not lie to me. I'm a Detective, I know when people are lying especially when my boyfriend is lying to me." He kisses her again. This time a bit longer. He smiles into the kiss which makes them break apart. "I don't like that word." Kate raises her eyebrows and asks: "Which word?" Castle just shooks his head. "Never mind." But now Kate is curious. "No Castle. Now I wanna now it. Come on please. I promise not laugh." Castle takes a deep breath and closes his eyes. "I don't like the word boyfriend Kate. I want you to call me your fiancé." Kate smiles. "Well I would call you my fiancé but you haven't ask me to marry you yet." Rick opens his eyes and asks shocked: "You want to marry me?!"
"If that was you asking me to marry you.. then no." Rick looks sad. "I don't want you to ask me to marry you on our couch Castle! I would love to marry you but if you propose to me it has to be something special. And with special I don't mean you ask me while we are on a vacation on Bora bora or something. You know what I like. It has to be at a special place for both of us." Rick smiles.
Now he knows how to propose to her and he knows when he will do it. He will propose to her on their swings on their 2 years anniversary of being together which is soon.

"Ok. I understand." Rick says still smiling. He gives her a kiss on her hair and she smiles and snuggles closer to him.
"I love you Castle. So, so much." He smiles wider. "I love you too. Always and forever."

Kate moves closer to Alexis and gives her a kiss on the cheek and whispers into her ear (Castle doesn't hear it): "I love you sweetie. You are a great daughter and I'm glad to have you in my life."
Kate doesn't know that Alexis was awake the whole time and could hear everything that they were saying.
She loves Kate too and she is glad that her dad has found her.

She smiles before she falls asleep, thinking about her family which couldn't have been better and how lucky she is to have so many great people in her life. Kate was the person that made her little family complete and perfect.

Thank you for reading. I hope you liked it. This one shot is dedicated to KittyKat3715! You are a great friend.

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