Chapter No. 4

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The smiling horse I recognised as Hoseok, but he told everyone to call him Hobi, he was very loud in training and only wanted to make friends with everyone, so I knew there and then he would be my ally. Namjoon wasn't as pleased as I was to see him, by his face I could tell he hated him.
"Hey I know you! You are the one who fell into that big cave back there!" Hobi said to Namjoon
"How many people saw me do that?"
"No idea!" Replied Hobi.
He liked to shout, loud in training, loud in the arena, somethings never change. "Since I know where your hiding spot is, I think you should let me stay there!" Hobi said to Namjoon
"On one condition, stop shouting!" This seemed to scare Hobi, as he just nodded in response.
Hoping that our journey back wouldn't get interrupted we went at a slight jog.

Ten minutes later we were all in the cave waiting for my fish to finish cooking, they all sat very patiently which I appreciated, although they didn't even say thank you when I served it. They just ate it and went to sleep. We set up a watch rota so that two of us were on watch at all times, first was me and Hobi, it was the first time I ever saw him to quiet, he didn't talk until he said he was going to switch with Namjoon, he asked if I wanted him to wake Yoongi for his shift, but I didn't want to sleep, I couldn't.
Namjoon sat on the ledge across from me, we cut a small section of vines away at the top small enough not to be seen from the outside but big enough to see through in case anyone was coming for us. We sat in silence for awhile, until Namjoon broke it. "I'm sorry about what I said earlier, I didn't save you only to get food, I genuinely like you, you're kind." This made me blush, I liked him too, but probably not the same way. I couldn't tell him, because we would be dead in a few days anyway. "It's fine, I didn't mind." I replied
"Hey Jin, can I tell you something?"
"Umm, yes, please."
"You're the first person in a long time who has been truly kind to me, I hope until one of us dies, we can be friends?"
"... Of course."
We sat in silence the rest of the night until Jimin came to take his shift.

In the morning I was woken up by the sound of another cannon fire, that makes eleven tributes down. "Who was it?!" Hobi shouted from his ledge "Rachel McAddam!" Namjoon replied
"Damn, I liked her." Yoongi said from across the cave. "We should go look for some more food" I said, everyone agreed.
We got our things and set off, we split into groups, Namjoon and Jimin went looking for edible plants and berries, while Hobi, Yoongi and I went to find fish. On our way to the stream, we heard people fighting in the distance, as we went round the corner we saw two guys fighting over a bow they had taken from someones camp, Yoongi told us it was Taehyung and Jungkook, he told us they have "hooked up" during training and were just having a domestic dispute, so we just let them be. The stream was full of fish, which was strange because the mane Hunger Games implied we'd be hungry. We caught our fish and went back to the cave.
When we got back Namjoon and Jimin had already returned, they had a pile of berries and some herbs, but what caught my eye was something at the back of the cave, a handle, clear as day, a handle. I didn't say anything incase there was cameras in the cave with us, but it stuck in my mind all night and all through my watch shift, I wanted to know what it did, or where it lead.


Oooooooo things are getting interesting 🙃🙃

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