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This goddess is the god of Intelligence, and war strategy. Athena was born from the head of zeus because he had a huge head ache after consuming one of his mistresses after she told him that she was pregnant. within the next 9 months Zeus was struck upon his head and Athena was born fully grown in metal armor that was completely made of metal that reflected a lot of light so I guess you could say she was bright. Athena is like the Olympian's form of Prometheus, but you know not stuck on the side of a mountain.

Athena is the patron of the city Athens she beat Poseidon by growing the first olive to ever to exist. Athena is one of the three immortal maidens, along side Hestia, and Artemis. Athena helped in the journey of Perseus so that he would make it back alive and slay his step-father.  

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