Chapter 2

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       After the long and perilous journey, the tribe soon reached the ancient Navajo village of Hunter's Point. Hunter's point was known to many of the members as a myth because no one had ever found it before. The stories told about the village were some of the most ancient stories told in the navajo tribes. The chief remembered that this is where the legend of the skinwalker began. The shaman of the tribe was curing one of his family members when he accidentally killed him. He was overturned with darkness and killed almost everyone in his tribe except the chief who had killed him by stabbing him with a silver dagger. Henry Chee Dodge decided that he would try to summon the spirit of Atsa one more time so that he could see the creature that killed Atsa. It looked half human and half deer, it was as if the skinwalker was blending in with the hunt to get close to Atsa. Did the chief do anything to the shaman to cause him to turn on the tribe?  Maybe the skinwalker was killing members of the tribe that were closest to the chief. If that was the case, the shaman would kill everyone to cause the chief to suffer knowing that he could not save anyone from the skinwalkers.
       Little did the skinwalker know, the chief already knew of a way to kill him. All he needed to learn was how to get the skinwalker to stop in its track. The elder being the wisest knew of a way that supposedly left the skinwalker temporarily paralyzed to where they could finally kill it. The only problem is that they didn't know who it was in human form, and it was to quick to find in animal form. It had extreme speed and strength in animal form that it couldn't possibly be stopped easily. Most attempts to stop one was failed because of how quick they are.
        If you learned who the creature was in it's human form, you must stab it with an item made of silver. In it's animal form the only way to stop it is to shoot it with a bullet dipped in white ash. You have to shoot it in the neck though. After that, you must call out it's name in full in order to finally kill the creature. The chief knew of no such thing that used a bullet, so he knew that the creature would have to be stopped in it's human form. The chief order his best hunters to scout out the forest to find the creature and follow it through the night to learn its true identity. All attempts made by the hunters always failed, those who saw it were never to be found again.
        The tribe once more began to lose faith and hope in the chief. They turned towards his son to guide them to safety. The son has faith in the chief and tells the tribe to follow the chief and that he is their best defense against the skinwalkers.

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