Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

"Where's the girl?" Came a cool snarl in the shadowy room.

"M-my lord, she's not on the radar...." Came a stammered reply.

"Cleon! Where is she? She is in danger! You said you were changing her location!" the sliver haired man roared.

"Off the radar," came a cheeky reply. The sliver hair pulled out his wand on the gold and back cat.

"If anything happens to her, your pelt will be on my wall!"



"Shut up," I groaned.

"Danni, it's almost your curfew," came a worried reply.

I sat up bolt right, staring at Sev in front of me.


I turned into a shadowy raven and flew away, back towards the cottage.

"Girls..." Sev muttered, walking back to his house.

I sneakily flew into mine and Remus' bedroom. Remus wasn't there so I flew to the floor and changed back, quickly changing into my pajamas and climbing into my bunk. I fell asleep almost as soon as I hit my bed.

Something wasn't right. I could feel it the next morning. I went down stairs quietly after noticing Remus wasn't in bed still. Mum and Dad weren't here either.

"Hello?" I called out.


And everything went dark.

(Sorry I felt like we needed the first real cliff hanger of the book XD)

Danni Hope:Fixtures For The Broken(Years 3 & 4)Where stories live. Discover now