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Dear Rose,

You left town, for a family related event, I assume. I find myself bored once again. Did I mention you were my only friend?

I now work the night shifts at the movies. So maybe I could sneak you into movies screenings when you get back?

I'd treat you to all the snacks you wanted, no matter how expensive it costed. You deserved all the happiness, but I could only afford the food fraction for you, as sad as it was.

That's when I saw him; your boyfriend. Funny thing was, he wasn't alone.

A tall brunette stood uncomfortably close to him, and if I'm not mistaken, had her lengthy arms strangled around his bicep.

I could be wrong. That could've been his sister for all I knew, but he placed a gentle kiss on her lips. Her giggle airy, making her appeal ditzy.

Last time I checked, that's not was siblings do.

That one action appeared voluntary. He didn't seem forced. It was natural, as if the both of them had been seeing each other for a long time, without your knowing consent.

I saw his eyes, Rose. His mossy stare, ones that shone the same way for you, was on her. They were her spotlights now.

All along I knew he was undeserving of your blind, but unconditional love. I always knew that he wasn't what he claimed to be.

To my accuracy, he was not.

He was callous filth that you bothered to pick up.

love -


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