Hermione granger was never one to settle down. She was constantly looking for another challenge; learning spells before even going to hogwarts, brewing polyjuice potion in her second year, forming S.P.E.W., coming up with dumbledores army. And when the golden trio lapse into a repetitive monotony of daily routines in 6th year, she finds herself itching for something to do to keep her mind off war.

For the first few weeks of the year she did nothing but think. What she really wanted to do is escape from this repetitive existence, do something completely new that she could keep secret. Her mind wandered often to the late sirius black. And in a moment of genius, she decided to honour his memory by becoming an animagus.

Of course there was a practical aspect to it as well. She would be able to pass by unnoticed (hopefully depending on her form) and it ultimately acted as another safety precaution. She decided that sentimentally, rationally and practically that it was a great idea.

And so, her new project was in action.

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