Always Waiting~ Day 13

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"Dear beloved Kaede,

Keri-san offered that I wear a short-sleeved shirt for once. I told her no, I didn't want her seeing my scars. She said I should atleast try it on, so I did. If she truly cared about me, she wouldn't care about my scars. As soon as she saw them, she slapped me. 'WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO YOURSELF?!?!' She had screamed. She vowed to leave me on the 14th. She hates me now. She won't talk to me. She thinks depression is all a new way of getting attention. I knew it, I knew I'd just remain alone after you. Afterall, you were the only one for me, Kaede. I knew I couldn't make friends. I miss you so much.

Besides that, Sokichi actually talked to me today. Well, not really. He passed by and said 'remember me?' And walked away. It was a bit creepy and it honestly scared me. After that, I've been contemplating. Who's name sounded like Sokichi again? I can't remember. It's been so long since I've seen everyone. I can't even remember their faces. It's all a blur. I just wish I could remember....... Remember all those times we had together........

Always in my mind, Saihara

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