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August 31st is when school started back up.

A lot had happened between the last time.

Timothy and Will kissed a few more times, going on a few more dates. No labels were placed.

Mike Wheeler hadn't seen Will since the pizza place incident.

But today, was the day.
Will pulled on his over sized blue jumper and a pair of blue jeans on.

He was out the door for his first time at a new school. Timothy promised to show him around. He almost forgot about Mike, but just couldn't. He didn't know why.
Mike Wheeler wore a Star Wars t-shirt and a flannel, a pair of black skinny jeans to go along with it.

He arrived at school early, chatting happily with Dustin and Lucas as they looked over their schedules.

Mike looked up and saw Will, alone, leaning against the lockers. He smiled brightly and started walking over. that is before the boy who was at the pizza place with Will, trapped the smaller boy in his arms, pecking his lips. Will giggled.

Mike's heart dropped. There goes a good year for him.
Will got shown around and he loved it so far. Timothy keeps him from his first class for a minute, kissing in the bathrooms.

"I have to go to class." Will rolled his eyes and pushed Timothy off of him.

"damn, forgot." Timothy joked. "Bye-Bye Will." Timothy ran to his class and Will walked out.
Mike Wheeler was late. He had art class and they changed the classroom up!

He walked, looking down at his schedule.


Dear Will• ByelerWhere stories live. Discover now