Chapter one| Intro

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"Hey Ralz! You forgot your rocket!"
Exclaimed Sky.

He shoots a rocket at Ralz but with his skill and finesse Ralz manages to dodge the rocket. Ralz retaliates by shooting two rockets consecutively back at Sky, but Sky dodges both. Unbeknownst to Sky, it was just a distraction as Ralz came down with his market gardener to smack Sky right on his dome. Sky dies and respawns, only to find that Ralz had left the server.

"Ill get you one day Ralz....."
Sky whispers to himself.

After that kill Ralz was finally bored of his usual hightower shenanigans and moves on to another server, but before he could even leave hightower he receives an invite for left 4 dead 2. It was sent by Aze, an old friend of his. Tired of the usual, he accepts the invite and joins Aze.


Hey buddy! How's the steamiverse treating you?

Not bad

Do you know any good rock bands? I love a good lead singer.


Are you even alive today? Hehe


You know talking to you feels like im talking to a robot.


zyrus has left the chatroom

Cott had been extremely bored in the steam universe lately. Most of his friends are too busy to talk to him, and most of them would not even respond back to his greetings. He gets this feeling that he is too talkative, but nah. How could he be so talkative? He barely talks to anyone of his 392 friends. Let alone greets them.

After a couple of minutes of deciding, Cott finally chooses Dont Starve Together as the game he would enter when he receives an invite from Aze. It is for Left 4 Dead 2. Cott's prayers for social interaction was answered and he joined Aze immediately.


Four would never let down his friend Aze. He had been his friend since the brony server days of team fortress 2, and they would both support each other through thick and thin.

But this.

He did not know if he could accept this.

He had been through the endless hell of wave 666. He had felt the strain of competitive csgo matches.
He had even seen the dreaded G-man.

But this.

By the lord Gaben,

Was unlike anything he had ever knew.

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