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"Are you sure you don't want me to give you a ride home?" Seokjin asked

"You worked over time with me Seokjin, I don't need to bother you anymore." Jimin replied

Seokjin nodded softly and gave him a quick hug goodbye. Jimin had been working at the bar at nights, Since there wasn't a lot to do due to him only being 20, he couldn't serve alcohol and could only wash the cups when they were done. He didn't complain though due to him being a university student and doing his homework at nights. In the mornings however Jimin worked as a barista at the local cafe.

"Well, guess I better head home now." Jimin said to himself

He waved goodbye to the manager and then walked out. The cold air hitting his skin immediately, he grabbed his jacket and put it on. Still being near freezing Jimin decided to walk at a fast pace in attempt to get home quickly to get warm. He heard noises behind him but decided to ignore them as he was only focused on getting home.

"Pretending like you don't see me." A voice whispered

Jimin picked up his pace even more and started to sprint trying to get home. The lights on the street went dim and Jimin started getting scared.

"Who's there?" Jimin said

"Aww someone's scared." The voice said

"W-Who are y-you?" Jimin said shaking

"Just be still, it'll be over soon." The voice said in a sinister tone.

Boom! Jimin hit's the ground in a flash. He fades in and out of consciousness and closes his eyes.

"Good luck, fledgling." The voice chuckled while flying away.

4 hours later

Jimin woke up in a unfamiliar room. He sat up on the bed and realized his neck hurt.

"Where am I?" Jimin questioned

"Jungkook, he's awake." A voice called

He looked over at the door with hazy eyes and saw a tall black haired boy standing there

"Hey you must be confused. Sorry but I kinda found you bleeding out on the street so I brought you here." He said

"T-Thanks." Jimin said

"What's your name?" He asked

"Jimin. Park Jimin." Jimin said

"My name is Jungkook and this is my best friend and roommate Namjoon." Jungkook said

Namjoon waved at Jimin and he waved back nervously.

"Do you know what happened to you?" Jungkook asked

Jimin shook his head no

"You don't know what happened?" Namjoon asked

"The last thing I remember is leaving work." Jimin said

"Well then, should we tell him about the vampire bite mark on his neck?" Jungkook asked looking at Namjoon

"No need now, you said it loud enough." Namjoon replied

"Wait wait, what mark?" Jimin asked shocked

"Vampire bite mark." Jungkook replied

"But but vampires don't exist." Jimin said

"You would be surprised at what goes on in the streets of Seoul." Jungkook said

Jimin shook his head no. He didn't believe he was a vampire not one bit.

"They might just be dog bite marks, dogs attack too." Jimin said

"But do dogs usually drink blood?" Namjoon said

Jimin covered his ears because he didn't want to even think like that

"I need to go home." Jimin said quickly

"Come back here tomorrow." Jungkook said

"What?" Jimin asked while getting up

"Come back here tomorrow after your shift at the cafe." Jungkook spoke in a clear voice

Jimin nodded not really meaning it and then walked outside. He walked all the way to his house. Once he arrived he tried his best to be quiet as he walked through the front door.

"There you are." A voice called

"What are you doing awake Hoseok?" Jimin asked

"I couldn't sleep and plus you weren't home yet." He responded

Jimin nodded softly and took off his jacket. He turned on the heat and then walked into the kitchen.

"What's that on your neck?" Hoseok asked

"What's what?" Jimin responded

"That bite mark." Hoseok said

Jimin tried to hide it but it was no use. Hoseok moved closer and looked up close

"Why does that look like a vampire bite, like in the movies." He said

"I don't know." Jimin lied

"Yes, you do." Hoseok replied

"Fine fine, I got attacked on my way home from my night job." Jimin said

"Attacked? By a vampire?" Hoseok asked sitting on the counter looking at him

"That's what they said." Jimin mumbled

"They? Who's they?" Hoseok asked

"These two guys that apparently helped me. Their names are Jungkook and Namjoon." Jimin replied

"Why didn't they call me when they found you?" Hoseok asked

"Do I look like one of those puppy's with the dog tag with someone's number on it?" Jimin chuckled

Hoseok rolled his eyes a bit

"And besides I was out for so long and then I left when I woke up." Jimin said

"Did they even say anything to you?" Hoseok asked

"That Jungkook kid told me to come back tomorrow." Jimin said

"Are you going?" Hoseok asked

"I don't know yet." Jimin replied

"Well if you do I want to go with you." Hoseok said

"Why would you even want to go?" Jimin asked

Hoseok didn't answer instead he hopped off the counter and bounced into his room. Jimin shrugged his shoulders and then walked into his room. He sat down on his bed and laid down slowly. He felt light headed but ignored it and just tried to go to sleep.

Jimin's Dream

As Jimin walked down the alley throwing away trash from the cafe he heard a small voice whisper

"You shouldn't be out." The voice whispered

"Who's there?" Jimin asked

He heard a slight chuckle and turned around quickly

"That voice sounds familiar." Jimin said

"You're smart to remember the one that changed you." The voice whispered again

"Who are you?" Jimin asked

"You will find out soon, my little vampire." The voice said before disappearing

Jimin woke up in a cold sweat and wiped his forehead

"It felt so.... Real." Jimin said before laying down and looking up at the ceiling.

The Little Vampire ~pjmWhere stories live. Discover now