Chapter 2

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Abigail POV

I was frowning a bit and I was trying my best to turn it into a smile. The truth is I miss Camila a lot I haven't spoke to her in a while and her and I used to be extremely close but I guess things change all of the sudden.

I was broken out of my thought by Yasmine speaking "I'm sorry I didn't know you knew her" she said as she rubbed my back with her hand

"It's alright don't worry about it" I said as a have her a semi smile

"Tell me about yourself" she asked enthusiastically

I felt nervous I normally never talk about myself it's a thing I really dislike about meeting new people. "Uhh well I don't really like talking about myself, I'm kinda shy, umm I enjoy soccer I played it since I could basically walk, I'm Cuban Mexican and Italian, I really enjoy reading it's like you're going on different adventures all around the place while you are by yourself cuddled up in a blanket, I also like being by myself yet I normally never allowed to as I guess that I'm popular whatever that means, and I have 3 older brothers where as I'm the youngest and as well as the only girl, it's not really fun to be completely honest and well I only get along with one of my brothers which is Sergio he's my favorite he also babies me a lot but I don't really mind when it comes to him oh well he also has two kids they're twin boys which they are basically my world because I truly love babies, Hmm I also love roses they're my favorite flower because the different rose colors represent different things in many cultures, I also really love the moon it's beautiful and it's something that I like staring at while I'm outside at night while I write and yea" I said "umm I rambled didn't I" I said as I blushed and looked down.

She then gently grabbed my face and made me stare into her eyes "You did ramble on a bit but it was cute, also you have to quit putting your head down cause I won't be able to see your beautiful face" she said as I blushed and put my head down again.

Why am I feeling this again I don't want to feel this way again I really don't want to. She was staring at me I felt it even though my head was down. I looked up a bit to see her eyes staring directly at me I felt nervous and insecure and other feelings going through me that I can't explain.

"Do I have something on my face" I finally broke our silence even though the classroom was as loud as it could be from the chatter from the other students.

"The only thing you have on your face is your beauty" she said and I blushed again, but then I started thinking again.

What if she's just like him she's just gonna hurt me in the end too. I got up quickly and went to the teachers desk. To have Dr.Green look up at me.

"Ahh yes Abigail how may I help you" he asked

"May I go to the restroom" I asked which he nodded "yes of course just sign out and get the pass. I nodded quickly sign the paper and took the pass and quickly went into the bathroom.

I felt myself having a hard time to breathing, I have so much in my mind that it's making me feel like my emotions have control over me. I tried to take a deep breath but it didn't help instead I felt myself suffocating. I decided it'd be best if I called my mom to tell her that I want to go home this just feels like to much for me right now.


"Hola mija is everything alright" my mom finally answered

"Ama can I go home I'm having a hard time breathing and I'm in the bathroom now and I'm crying and I-I just want to go home" I said breathlessly.

"Mija take a deep breath okay, I'll tell Sergio to go pick you up since he's at the house already okay" my mom told me

"Thank you mommy" I said

"De nada mi cariño, i need to get back to work now head back to class and wait for your brother to pick you up alright" she said and hung up the phone.

I took one last breath in and tried to calm myself down a bit. I then looked at myself in the mirror to see that my mascara was all over my face. I quickly tried to fix my face so no one noticed I was crying and quickly went back to the classroom.

As I got in I saw Yasmine staring me down once again. I took a deep breath and went back to take a seat in my chair.

"Abigail are you alright, did I do something wrong. I'm sorry if I did I didn't mean to I'm really sorry" Yasmine rambled as I sat down

"It's alright you did nothing I just needed to use the restroom" I lied

"Oh okay well I'm sorry if I did do something" she said while looking at my eyes I just nodded.

As I waited Yasmine and I basically talked until someone came in and the teacher called my name telling me that I'm leaving early.

So I'm most likely always gonna post Saturday nights, also I hope you're enjoying the story so far also Camila is gonna be fully introduced in the next chapter

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