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I send swirls of darkness throughout the chapel. "Hello, Feyre-" oh Cauldron. This isn't the setup. I look at the carpet. Wrong flowers. Wrong people. Oh, mother. What have I done?

The blond woman and white haired man at the front stop their... activities ... and turn to me. She glares. Oh no. She looks really scared. "Azriel," I curse, "what have you done?" Under my breath, I add a few other words. I get that they're mad, but this is important. Oh. They said it was important for the fifty years too. I get it. I guess. I've been trying to make it up to them for the last three months, between rebuilding and watching Feyre's videos she accidentally sent me of that tool's d- yeah not gonna go back there. "Ahhh um terribly sorry to interrupt your... ahhhh... wedding ... and stuff." The angry male looks to me, then relaxes, "I guess it was a good time... before we could get ... more... carried away. Nice tattoos, by the way. Feel free to stay for the party." Well, that was nice. "You too on the tattoos. I would love to stay, but unfortunately I have another wedding to crash. What court are you all from?"
"Court," he asks, "this is our court, the court of Terrasen, my wife's kingdom, and you?" Wait, what? "Oh ah interesting. I am High Lord of the Night Court, and are you technically married?" It's her turn to look incredulous. "Surely you've heard about us. We're just getting married again for the official ceremony. And... the party," she laughs, "whose wedding do you have to crash?" I've figured out that they're mates, and she laughs with the male she's now very close to. "My mate's," I say, and lean against the pew nearest to me. I wince. A lot. And jump away hissing, "why in the name of the mother do you have ash in here?" was it a trick of Hybern? I've never heard of Terrasen before... "why wouldn't we have ash here?" She asks me curiously, confused.
"Well for one thing, it hurts."
"Oh? Really?"
"Of course it does, it's ash." What did they mean? Ash hurts fae. Oh well. "Anyway, I have to crash my mate's wedding and I had a great entrance planned, so I'll see you all soon I suppose. Or not," I add, and I go to fetch Feyre darling away from her wedding to that tool. "Well, if you ever need anything again, try and find us."
I look around the room, and my eyes land on a girl in a dress made of diamonds. A witch, actually. She has a small monster behind her, which looks rather like the creature in our library. I saw it in Cassian's mind. She murmurs something to it, which I hear, obviously. Wyvern. Bryaxis is a ... Wyvern? "I would like an exact copy of that dress. It would look rather good on my mate." She'd be even more beautiful. "Oh, I can do better than that," a voice drawls behind me. Witch. White hair, red cloak. The girl made it herself, good for nothing bookworm that she is. It'll be quite a loss, but I think Elain will enjoy being one of the thirteen. We'll send you the girl."
"Prick," a voice hisses from the front of the chapel, "this is how you take my Lady Elide from me?" It's the bride. She stops to reconsider, "actually that's a wonderful idea Manon, only you're in-charge of making sure she sees Lord Lorcan Lochan regularly, and not killing him at that." The girl Elide looks rather offended. Not wishing to get caught up in this, I winnow to the girls - Ghislaines - side, and winnow her to Rita's. I leave her there and winnow to the hellish wedding.
"Hello, Feyre darling."
Better this time.


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