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My eyes traveled through the countless of homes and different companies. The strrets of Seoul weren't as busy as expected. We made our way throuh man streets. Bright lights illuminating from the signs on buildings. "For now we will stop at my friend's house." My brother siad it in my direction. "I thought we will have a house?" I asked. "Well my friend was looking for housemates becasue he just got a new house and he feels very lonely there." He send me a smile. "Oh...okey"I siad quietly" So it will be just us three?" I continued. "Well.... Let's say that youll be living with 7 guys"He send me his infamous gummy smile. " Wait. What?? You mean that I'll be living with 6 other stranges in the house?" I nearly shouted. "Well... yeah?" He said with no confidence in his voice. "I hate you. I'll be moving as soon as possible" I lightly punched his shoulder and he just hugged me. 

We walked for a bit more. After not so long we were in a more quiet area of Seoul. I found myslef looking at the house in front of me. It was big. That's all I can say.

 "We are here" My brother cheered and went first. He knoced on the door three times. We waited outside for few more seconds but before we know it a very handsome guy opened the door. He had broad shoulders and was tall, taller then me and my brother. He had a bright smile plastered on his face. "Yoongi!" The stranger shouted my brother's name with such enthusiastic feeling. "Jin. It's nice to see you after so long." My brother smiled towards the stranger. 

The person called Jin turned his gaze towards me. "Oh. You must be Yoona. Yoongi's younger sister. Well it's nice to finally meet you. Your brother talks about you a lot" He winked at me and I just smiled "I hope he said good things" I joked. "He only said good things about you, don't worry. But anyways I'm Kim Seokjin but you can call me Jin or worldwide handsome" He cheerfully smiled at me. I lightly lauged at the last part. "Sure. Call me Yoona or whatever you want" I yet again smiled at him. If I'm going to smile that much my cheeks will hurt as hell soon. 

We walked into a house where you could hear lots of screams mixed with laughs. I don't really like this atmosphere already. What can I say? I'm more of a quiet person. 

My brother must've seen me being uncomfortable because he lightly smiled at me as if saying "Everything will be alright".

We walked toward the source of the shouts which was in the living room. There was 5 other guys playing video games and throwing popcorn at each other. "Don't worry it's normal for us" Jin send me a rescuing smile. This sentence just brough bigger anxiety towards me. "Guys Yoongi is here  with his sister. I told you to act normal and clean this room" Jin shoted at the five of the unknown guys. Immidiently they looked in our direction.

In a matter of few seconds all of them stood in a row in front of us. "Hello, I'm Kim Namjoon. Nice to meet you Yoona" Said the talles guy. He had a purple hair and dimples when he smiled. I lightly smiled at him and he returned it. "Hi. I'm your hope, I'm your angel. I'm J-Hope" said the guy well nearly screamed. You could tell he was very cheerful. When he smiled I couldn't help but also smile. "Or just call me Hoseok or Hobi" His smile grew bigger. I wonder if his cheeks hurt by now? " Nice to meet the famous Yoona. Kim Taehyung here, but call me V" He had a cute rectangular smile and was trully beautiful. He did the selca pose where he made a "V" Sign from his index and middle finger then put them close to his left eye and closing the other eye. "Nice to meet you Noona, I'm Jungkook" This guy was very adorable. He had this cute bunny smile. "Noona? How old are you?"I asked. "I'm 97 liner" He smiled. "Then don't call me Noona we are from the same year" I cheerfully smled in his direction. I couldn't help it he was just so adorable. The last guy was constantly on his phone messaging someone with a playfull smirk on his lips. "Yeah nice to meet ya." He bluntly said. "I'm Park Jimin" He didn't even look in my direction. He was just on his phone. "Don't worry he is always like that. Messaging his side hoes" Namjoon said while laughing, I just made a disgusted face at the word he described the girls. "I already like her. She doesn't like Jimin" Said Jungkook and highfived me. I just awkwardly smiled. 

"Well guys" I started"It's nice to meet you all. I'm Yoona as you already know. I hope I'm not a burden to you" I smiled. Finally the last guy called Jimin loked in my direction. I can't lie he was handsome but he wasn't my type plus apparently he is a player which is a big no no from me. However, after I saw him looking in my direction constantly. 

After all the indrocuction me and my brother walked behind Jin as he was suppose to show us our rooms. "So Yoongi you're sharing a room with me and sadly Yoona you have to also share a room with one of us. " Jin calmly explained it to us" As Jungkook is the youngest and a well most innocent one you'll be sharing a room with him. Is that okey?" He looked at me and I just responded with a small head nod. "Okey so this your room" Jin pointed at a light, brown doors. 

I quickly held the handle and opoened the doors. The room was quite big. Dark grey walls, in some places the walls were hidden by the multiple coloured posters of different bands and tv shows. Two walls stood by opposite walls. One was messily made, you could tell that someone used this bed and the other was very neat. Guessing my bed was the latter one i put my luggage near it. I didn't  have a lot of things just the most important. Near my bed there was dark coloured wardrobe. I quickly but quietly put all of my clothes. On the nioghtstand I put all of my electronics. 

Suddenly, the doors bust open and someone walked in. After I turned around I knew it as my new room mate Jungkook. He lightly smiled at me. "Welcome to my crib" He joked. "Yeah, yeah your crib. Now it is also mine." I smiled at him. He jumped onto his bed and looked at me. I went back into takeing my stuff out of the boxes that were ealier delivered. 

Out of one box, I took a specific photo frame. It was a picture taken not that long ago, maybe a year and a half maybe two years ago. It was a picture of me and Hoon. Both smiling happily. I stopped doing whatever I was doing. I could feel a pair of eyes looking at me. Tears started to collect in my eyes. *Damnit Yoona, fet a grip, you can't be like that, mot in here, not when someone is watching.* I thought to myself. I tried to calm down but nothing was helping. "Yoona? What's wrong?" I heard Jungkook talking to me. I just moved my head as if I was saying no. But the tears started to pour from my eyes, making their way down my cheeks and then falling to the ground. " Yoona? Come on. What's wrong? Why are you crying?" Jungkook started to ask more questions but I didn't answer, just kept crying. "Hold up I'm going to get Yoongi" He said while running out of the room.  

After few seconds I felt a pair of hands pulling me close to someone. Instantly, I knew it was my brother. I hugged him close. Then he saw the photo from before. He didn't say anythng, just hugged me tighter. After sometime I calmed down. The tears stopped and sobs also stopped. "I'm better now. Thank you Yoongs" I smiled at him. "You know. What happened isn't your fault at all. You have to forget and move on. Hoon would want that." He send me one of his gummy smiles. "I know, but it's not that easy. I'll try my best." I returned the smile. After making sure that I was alright, my brother left the room and Junkook walked towards me. He sat on my bed, next to where I was sitting. "You alright now? "He asked me with concern in his voice. "Yeah, I'm sorry that you had to wittness that." I said while once agin looking at the photograph. But now I didn't feel sad. I felt empty at the sign of my bestfriend smiling happily. "Don't worry. But if you want to talk about. I'm here" He smiled at me. " I will tell you. But not now. I'm not ready." I put the photograph under my bed. "It's okey. I'll wait" He lightly hugged me which I returned.


Here's first chapter 

What do you think so far? 

I'm sorry for any mistakes 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2018 ⏰

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