(1) Pieces

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This song doesn't have to do with the chapter, I just love this song..

I sat at the table with my family. Being quiet and unusual at always. My mom wants me to socialize, be out there more, mom, we all know that is never going to happen. I watch as they're yelling and laughing and I'm braiding my black hair, well, it's mostly this neon green mix with a little bit of white. The doorbell rang.

"I'll get it!" My mom hollered, getting up. I pick at my food, my family thinks I'm anorexic. I'm not, I'm just haven't been in a good mood for awhile.

My mom walks in with James Franco, he's like a brother. He's 24 years old but he acts like he's 6. I practically jumped with excitement.

My happiness was quickly ruined as I set eyes on the one and only Dave Franco. James younger brother, my age,neighbor,enemy. I hate to admit it but he's hot-really hot. We were so close until the end of 7th grade. He started to call me names,shove me. Two years ago he paid a couple of girls to jump me. I tried to tell my mom, she didn't believe me.

Dave waved at me with an innocent smile. I hate him so much so I just glared at him and flip him off only to be smack in the back of the head by my mom.

"Be nice!" She growled. "I'm sorry Dave! She's on her period."

My jaw dropped. I am NOT on my period. That's so embarrassing. I hid behind hair, face red of embarrassment.

"It's okay Mrs. Jones. I completely understand." Dave smirked.

James sat down next to me. "Hey pumpkin!"

"Hey! How was Florida?" I ask him.

   "It was cool besides being hit on by a prostitute. And I got you something!" He replied.

  "Oh really?" I ask full of excitement.

James got out a box I didn't even realize he had. "Open it!"

I open it and squealed. "Oh my gosh!" He got me s black cat. "Thank you!" I hugged him.

   "What're you going to name him?"

   "How about...Pepper."

   "Everyone meet pepper!" James said holding him up.

   "He's adorable-now go put it in her room." My mom said sitting down.

We got up and went to me room. It's a mess and my parents are not happy about it,at all.

   "Yikes." James looks terrified. "Was there a tornado in here?"

I playfully hit him. "Oh shut up!"

I set Pepper down and we went back downstairs. Dave was going to sit next to me. Hell no.

I sat down, Dave has a look on his face. 3,2,1.

   "I heard that you failed your Math test." Dave smirked.

My mom stopped what she was doing. "Emily! I knew you didn't study!"

   "Mom it was hard and you know math is my worst subject!"

   "I don't want any excuses. Thank you Dave for saying something."

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