1.3 | surrender

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Ana had been sitting on the couch at Millie's party for a while now, the normal human amount of space away from Finn, who was directly next to her.

Or at least she was, until Dakota Azure decided to sit down next to her. Or actually, "next" wouldn't be the correct term. Dakota was practically on top of her.

"You do know this couch is meant for two people and not three?" Ana reminded Dakota, whose presence had interrupted her conversation with Finn.

"You do know I don't give a fuck? Just move over!" Dakota nudged Ana, but she barely moved.

"I can't, you're basically on top of me! Just go to the other couch!" Ana argued.

"I would, but look who's at that other couch!" Dakota spoke quieter, but also, angrier.

Ana looked over and realized that the person who sat on the couch was none other than Trevor Jackson.

"Who's that guy?" An oblivious Finn asked.

"That's her asshole ex." Ana muttered.

"Oh, come on, he's not that bad." Dakota tried, not really knowing why.

Ana let out a laugh of disbelief. "Oh, really? Then why don't you go sit with him?"

Dakota stared at her blankly. "Wow. You're really no help."

"Come on..." Finn grabbed Ana's arm and gently pulled her so that now she was on top of him, and Dakota now had a place to sit.

"Thank you! Kind sir." Dakota acknowledged, before getting distracted by something in the distance. Or rather, someone. "WYATT!"

"Oh god. Someone might die today." Ana commented as Dakota ran away. She was about to move, but someone else sat next to them.

There was an awkward silence as they realized they were stuck in this position, until Finn spoke up. "Or, maybe not?"

Ana looked over and for some reason, Wyatt Olef had his arm around Dakota's waist and they were both smiling, despite their infamous distaste for each other.

"You know what? I don't want to know." Ana turned back to Finn, one arm around the couch to hold herself up. "So, what's the music video update?"

"Oh, we cast the girl!" Finn remembered excitedly.


"Yeah I'm kinda nervous, cause I already know I have to kiss her. But at least she's cute."

"Oh." Ana seriously had to hone in her acting skills in order to not show her disappointment at this. "Yeah. Well who is she?" She tried to recover.

"I'll show you," Finn reached into his pocket and took out his phone, messed with it for a few seconds, and gave it to her. "That's her instagram."

Ana took his phone with both hands, and since she could no longer steady herself up with her arm around the couch, Finn put his hand on her back.

Ana appeared to be very seriously interrogating this random girl's instagram page, but all she was thinking was-- Is this guy fucking serious?

They shared a moment the other night, but then he brushes it off in a group chat. Then he pulls her to sit on him, but he calls another girl cute and reminds her that he has to kiss him. And then, while she's forced to look through the instagram of aforementioned girl who is unfortunately cooler and prettier looking than her, he puts his hand on her back like some sort of protective boyfriend?

Maybe he was just like that? Maybe he was just naturally protective and touchy. But he also seemed to have anxiety, so maybe not? Or maybe--

"What are you doing?" Finn asked.

Ana didn't realize that while she had been overthinking, her fingers had still been moving, and she was now looking at Finn's tagged photos. "Just-- looking." She tried. "Oh. My. God."

"What?" Finn asked, trying to move his head up to see the screen.

Ana broke into a wide grin that was adorable, but honestly at the same time scary considering she held Finn's phone. "No way..."

Finn tried to reach up and grab his phone, but she moved it away. "What are you looking at?"

"The most hilarious thing ever..." Ana kept scrolling.

"Let me see!" Finn tried grabbing his phone again, but Ana moved her hand again.

"Wait, I'm not done!"

Now Ana had to stand to get away from him.

"What are you doing--"

And walk to get away from him.


"Let me--"

"I told you, I'm just looking!"

And run.

"Ana, get over here!" Finn tried sounding mad about having to chase her, but his laugh gave him away.

"Nope!" She laughed also, the two looking absolutely ridiculous swerving between the crowd of confused, mostly still-standing people.

"I'm gonna get you..."

"No you're not!"

"Yes, I am!"

Finn was right about this, and caught Ana's forearm. Ana tried twisting out of his grip, moving back from him, but her back hit a wall, and now he was right in front of her. He put her forearm against the wall, so now she was trapped.

Trapped, and really, really close to his face. Ana gulped. One of her hands was against the wall and being held up by Finn, and the other clutched his sacred phone to her chest.

"Surrender." Finn spoke normally, as if they weren't in the second intimate position of the night.

"Okay, fine." Ana tucked in her lips as she slowly turned her phone screen to face him.

"Distorted Finn..." He read out slowly, confused, trying not to smile. "Are you serious?"

Ana broke out into laughter, leaning forward against his chest. He took his phone from her before she dropped it. "It's hilarious!"

"It's... really not..." Finn tried, but he began laughing too, stepping away from her and looking scrolling through his phone.

"It so is! This person is a genius and I will love them forever..." Finn's eyes widened at his phone, and he typed quickly. "What?"

"She just messaged me!"


"The girl, for the music video! Iris!" He smiled.

"Oh, that's cool."

Did this guy have some sort of automatic mixed-signal mechanism? It was like every time he did something cute with Ana, he immediately had to remind her of Iris.

"Haha, she said, 'Hey, you're my future pretend boyfriend, right' that I am..." Thankfully, he did not look up to see the look on her face, because it was extremely twisted up into a question mark.

author's note | i got this idea because i was scrolling through finn's tagged pics and honestly died of laughter at that account.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2018 ⏰

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