♥ Kim Byungjoo (Requested)

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After long hours of waiting, B-joo finally came back to your apartment as he was done with his schedule.

Silently opening the door, he trudged through the living room and saw you watching something in your phone.

You looked at him and smiled. "Hey, you're back. Did you ate already or do you want me cook for you?"

He smiled back and plopped himself on the couch you were sitting on. He wrapped the fluffy blanket you had around the two of you and hugged you.

He shook his head and snuggled it to your shoulder. You gently caressed his hair and heard him sigh.

"Let's stay like this for a while, hm?" His hand held a small of your back and slowly massaged it.

You adjusted your posture to let him cuddle with you in a more comfortable manner.

"What were you watching?" He asked sleepily as you continue to run your fingers in his hair. "Your Rainy Day music video. I was watching your body rolls."

He giggled slightly but stopped. You can feel something wet in your neck. He was crying again.

These past months, he seemed sad after what happened in their group especially with Hansol leaving the group. You knew very well that it saddened B-joo so much because they're friends.

You lifted his head from your neck and gave him small kisses in his face. "It's okay. Everything's going to be okay."

He smiled again and kissed you in the lips. With that, he pulled you closer to him, making you giggle. He placed a kiss in your collarbone and snuggled in your neck.

"I love you, (Your Name)."

"I love you too."

You continued to pat him in his head because you thought he already fell asleep.

"Can we have ice cream and fries later?" He asked.

"I thought you were on a diet. But why not? Today can be your cheat day." You smiled.

"I want coffee mocha ice cream."

"Then we'll get that flavor."

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